PFS character registration mistake

Website Feedback

Hello. I registered a PFS character of mine incorrectly. Tack was intended to be a core character but my local Venture captain has informed me that i have entered him as non-core. If there is any way I can fix this I would like to do so.

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hello derpdidruid,

Thanks for letting us know! Our technology manager is usually the one who is able to resolve issues like this, but he is going to be out of the office until Wednesday. I will go ahead and let him know so he can take a peek at it then.

I hope this helps! Please don't hesitate to ask if there are any further questions or concerns that you may have in the meantime.


Thank you for the response! Good to know the staff is so good here.

Technology Manager

Hey derpdidruid, can you private message me with the character number affected as well as your PFSID? I'll take a look.

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