Why no Dark Folk in Darklands Revisited or Blood of Shadows?

Lost Omens Products

Maybe not a GLARING omission, but I thought there'd be something. They are unique to Pathfinder.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

They're not quite unique to Pathfinder, they are a staple of D&D that was introduced in the 1977 Fiend Folio and are featured in Monster Manuals ever since. We're just luck that the Tome of Horrors made them open content and thus available to everyone for use.

They're not a 0-HD race, and aren't appropriate as PCs, hence their absence from Blood of Shadows. But I would have thought they would appear in Darklands Revisited. I guess they just didn't make the cut!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I was a bit surprised the Munavri made it into Darklands Revisited (since they're pretty new) and not the Dark Folk.

And I find the Urdefahns boringly one-note enough to have been willing to cough up their spot to the Dark Folk as well, but alas, 'twas not to be...

Haladir, you do know there is a 0HD playable darkfolk race in B5?

I don't remember who or where but one of the writers in another post had mentioned that it was because the book was written before the PCable dark folk were a thing.

I remember reading the same thing, just don't remember who and were.

Dragon78 wrote:

Haladir, you do know there is a 0HD playable darkfolk race in B5?

I did not. I haven't picked up B5 yet.

Im actually disappointed by this. Honestly, the fact that the Dark Folk weren't a 0HD race was one of the things I found most intriguing about them!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Not sure how it makes them as whole less interesting since caligni are just one more of dark folk variants <_<

They are not just another darkfolk variant, they are the original version of there race. They can be born from any other type of darkfolk and don't breed true so they tend to give birth to other types.

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