Owen KC Stephens |

The Four Horsemen have created a series of PDFs all tying in to constructs, and augmenting the awesome (and massive, 5-star rated) Construct Companion
Four Horsemen Present: Abstraction Golems Expanded
Out-of-the-box golems perfect for creating interesting scenarios for even the most experienced players! This volume offers abstraction golem templates such as Fate, Hatred, and War!
Four Horsemen Present: Pakuvresh, the Flesh Golem Factory
A terrible citadel created by the Nether Mage, a long-since missing tenant, Pakuvresh is a dread factory endlessly churning out constructs of once-living flesh. The stronghold now drifts through shadowy realities, sending out bound fiends and using automated and undead labor to build a flesh golem armory… for unknown purpose.
Four Horsemen Present: Animated Traps Expanded
Animated ambushes perfect for surprising any party! This volume which offers the alarming wooden door trap (which slams itself on the unwitting explorer), the holding chamber of blades (which paralyzes and slashes those within), or the prismatic crushing stone trap (which surrounds, then crushes it's prey)! A total of seven animated traps in all!
Four Horsemen Present—Base Class: Engineer
Ever wanted to play a character that builds and wears her own suit of magic golem armor?! But crafting and using constructs is a difficult proposition for a PC. Constructs are expensive, difficult to repair, and require a certain mastery of spellcasting.
The engineer scoffs at such excuses, turning all her intellect and work ethic towards creation. Spending years locked away in schools and laboratories, she explores all the secrets constructcrafting has to offer. The engineer’s creations are her sword, armor, and art. While learning to craft her automatons might make her a peerless master in any number of areas, her first love is always the design and creation of magical life.
An engineer fights alongside or within her constructs, relying heavily on creations during combat. An engineer’s power comes from careful preparation in modifying her servants and crafting items of power. Many engineers concentrate on improving personal fighting capabilities, modified heavily by worn automatons and magical items.
And, of course, you should also pick up the Four Horsemen's pdfs supporting the mythic rules!
What other content would you like to see from this collective of apocalyptic freelancers?

Four Horsemen — Pestilence |

Do you need to purchase the Construct Companion to use these 4? The idea of playing a character that can wear its own golem mech suit sounds grand to me, and as such I'd love to get the Engineer, but for money sake, I dont know if I could really get both at the moment.
All of the Construct Month products are completely stand-alone, so you do not need to purchase the Construct Companion to use any of them. Although I (of course) highly recommend it to Engineers! =) It provides a lot of extra construct-related options. Like creating re-animated objects from destroyed constructs, animated vehicles, construct modifications, feats, and dozens of new constructs/golems to craft.

Owen KC Stephens |

Really the Construct books Pestilence and the others put together are impressive just from a flexibility standpoint. If you bought Construct Companion and you want support for it, these count. If you don't want something that big and just want to buy one or more of these, they need nothing else to function as pathfinder expansions.
It's elegantly done.