Introducing new PCs (New to DMing)

Product Discussion

Hey, I am currently DMing Carrion Crown and have had my first death.
Being that I'm new to DMing I'm not quite sure how to go about introducing a new character and am looking for suggestions - or how others have gone about it.


Zorabi wrote:

Hey, I am currently DMing Carrion Crown and have had my first death.

Being that I'm new to DMing I'm not quite sure how to go about introducing a new character and am looking for suggestions - or how others have gone about it.


A few options.

1. New PC is a captive of creatures the old group encounters. (unconscious survivor of another group). Works if group is out in the middle of no where.

2. PCs meet a caravan, new PC traveling with the caravan for some reason. Works if group is between cities.

3. PCs pickup a replacement deliberately somewhere in town. Could meet in a shop, on the street, or of course "in a tavern".

My only experience on CCrown is what I watched of the actual play on Dicestormers youtube channel, if you're still exploring the prison, there should be plenty of chances to linkup in town?

There's always the tried and true method of going into a tavern and talking to someone who looks interesting, or coming into a town and putting up posters advertising for a person to fill out an "expedition" to a certain destination (I always hated saying people were looking for a fellow adventurer..just a quirk).

Or you could have them meet someone on the road who coincidentally is headed the same way with the same goal in mind and convince him or her that there is safety in numbers.

Ask your players in-between sessions how they want to handle it. I generally like for the introduction of a new PC to involve headhunting by the old PCs; if a PC falls into the party's lap it can end up feeling very forced, especially if the PC doesn't make an immediate contribution that impresses the original set of characters.

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