Titan Mauler & the FAQ

Product Discussion

So, the descriptive text for massive weapons says you can use a large weapons 2-handed but the FAQ says that isn't the case.

[u]Massive Weapons (Ex)[/u]
At 3rd level, a titan mauler becomes skilled in the use of massive weapons looted from her titanic foes.

She can use two-handed weapons meant for creatures one size category larger, but the penalty for doing so is increased by 4. However, the attack roll penalty for using weapons too large for her size is reduced by 1, and this reduction increases by 1 for every three levels beyond 3rd (to a minimum of 0).

[u]Can a Medium titan mauler wield a Large two-handed weapon, such as a Large greatsword?[/u]

No. The "Inappropriately Sized Weapons" rule says (in summary) that a creature can't wield an inappropriately-sized weapon if the size difference would increase it one or more "steps" beyond "two-handed." None of the titan mauler's abilities say the character can break the "steps" part of the "Inappropriately Sized Weapons" rule, so the character still has to follow that rule.

So, which is right, the ability or the FAQ?

The ability was errata'd recently iirc, making the FAQ outdated.

The newer ruling trumps the older one - in this case, the UC errata released, 20.8.2015, is valid and the FAQ from March 2013 is not.

Okay, that's what I was figuring but ya know, can't ever be sure with these things. Thanks for the assist.

Isn't it a bit... dumb that one feature grants you the ability to wield two-handed weapons as one-handed weapons, but the majority of the archetype's features do not emphasize on it? The rest is just about wielding bigger weapons without "changing" the handiness.

There's no feature that let you combine the abilities in order to wield a Large or Huge Greatsword in just one hand for instance.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
JiCi wrote:

Isn't it a bit... dumb that one feature grants you the ability to wield two-handed weapons as one-handed weapons, but the majority of the archetype's features do not emphasize on it? The rest is just about wielding bigger weapons without "changing" the handiness.

There's no feature that let you combine the abilities in order to wield a Large or Huge Greatsword in just one hand for instance.

Seems to be a function of design by comittee: it was written to do one thing and then re written to do nothing and re re written to do something else

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