Adopted Trait in Core Campaign

Pathfinder Society

Sovereign Court

As far as I know, there are no race traits in the materials for the core campaign. So, in that case, how does the Adopted trait work? Is it just fluff with no benefit to it?

BONUS: And what about the faction guide? It used to be that faction traits were listed as part of the Pathfinder Society book, but now it's been relegated to the faction guide, so do I or don't I include those traits? Hero Lab says that they are legal for core play, so...?

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

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As far as I know, Adopted is a trap for core play there is no legal target for the trait, so it mechanically does nothing.

Bonus: No the faction guide traits aren't legal. The web document and the GtOP (or RGG, or Guild to Roleplaying Guide or whatever we are calling it) does have some (if not al, I haven't double checked) of the faction traits and thus they are legal (from that source) to use in Core play.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Yes, as Joe mentioned Adopted is a trait with no uses, at present, in Core play. Whether there may be boons on any scenario sheets that give an option for any Race Traits is unknown, I don't recall any. Do keep in mind that it allows the taking of a Race Trait (like the Elven Warrior of Old trait), not a Racial Trait (like the Human Skilled Racial Trait).

As Joe wrote, the faction traits are not the ones in the Faction Guide, but the ones listed in each faction write-up in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide, currently v7.0, on pages 13-18, listed under the <faction name> Traits headings. Each faction should have 5 traits listed in that chapter, usually as the last item under the faction's write-up.

Scarab Sages

The only reason I can see in taking it, would be if you intend to make your core character into a non-core character at some point after level 1 and wanted access to the Sky Seeker prestige class which specifically allows the adopted trait (by itself, as written) to meet one of the requirements for the prestige class.

That, or if being adopted is very key to your role played character concept and you want a rule that specifically allows you to say you were adopted.

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