Witch Queen's Revenge and Witchwar Legacy - Which to play first?


My PFS character is going to complete Eyes of the Ten this weekend. With that milestone in sight, I have started to think about the road to getting him to level 20.

He has played through the sanctioned portions of books 1-4 of Reign of Winter, and I will likely want to play through parts 5 and 6 with him. In keeping with that theme, I am also hoping to do the Witchwar Legacy.

For those of you who have played/run both WQR and WWL, without giving any spoilers, which would you recommend I play first?
- Do either of them lead naturally to the other?
- Would playing either enhance the roleplay options I would have in the other (in particular Baba Yaga, who I am guessing I will finally meet in WQR)?
- Most importantly, will there be any plot inconsistencies if I play one before the other?

My thanks if you are able and willing to help. =)

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