WotW Help needed : Captured!? Now what?

Advice and Rules Questions

To avoid too many spoilers, one of the players was captured in Book 2. Since it was stated capture was one of the objectives

Now I am not sure how to proceed. Do I run a separate game just for the hostage? Or do i make a separate game for a rescue attempt, if the others feel they need to try and rescue their companion, or, do I inform the player that he has been interrogated and executed?

If the latter, or if he is interrogated but not killed, do i simply deduct a a large amount of security points from what they have gathered so far?

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Question is: what would make a better story?

Option 1) Are the other PCs up for a rescue attempt? If so, go for it, but skate as quickly as possible past the part where they liberate their captured friend so that everybody can play in the breaking out part.

Option 2) Is the captured PC's player going to react in a mature way once he learns that his character is dead? Have his make a new character, and the others learn about his death in a clever, in-character way.

Option 3) If you have the time and opportunity to run a solo adventure for the captured guy, make his escape possible but believable. Maybe the bad guys are simply incompetent, and a clear possibility for escape exists. If the situation is going to result in his death, maybe he'll accept it better after having tried to do everything possible to get out.

Option 4) Write up a clever and believable story about how the captured PC managed to escape. Maybe there were other NPCs who helped him get free. Maybe he owes them a favor now.

Option 5) Maybe the captured PC is interrogated, tortured and killed, but the other PCs manage to get his body back. Raise dead, anyone?

End of the day: make it a clever addition to your story, one way or the other. And if you feel there is no plausible way he could escape, well... sometimes we roleplayers simply need to learn how to handle character deaths.

PC got captured in that book? How? I don't even remember seeing that as a possible out come in the AP expect in book 1. The PC are supposed to being doing the capturing, not the other way around. They are evil honestly they let him Die, he is weak link. if you want to do rescue, I would just do and evil org check make them spend two of their actions, Make ruthless or surviablity checks with moderate DC of 15.

edit: their contract prevents the from feuding with each other, but does not mean they have to save him. I won't change the SP but reduce surviablity score of Organization. Say 2 or 3 points.

After they have the horn, they really should not even be going to town at all, and just defending the horn. There is no need to ever go to town you just send the minions and cohorts, and that what the old organization chapter in the back of the book is for. Also if they made friends with baron at the start, he can get them out automatically, unless they are caught in the act of preforming a murder.

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