Thematic question

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Why does a Blessing of Nethys (the God of Magic) deal with fate while the Blessing of Pharasma (the Goddess of Fate) deals with magic?

Silver Crusade

I have asked myself this many times.

If I'm remembering correctly, it's because they wanted Seoni to want to collect blessings of Pharasma in RotR.

Adventure Card Game Designer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Mmm-hmm. It used to be reversed, but the blessings that have the Pharasma trait are really good for characters that worship Pharasma, which is what we wanted. So that's what we did.

Ashram's explanation makes sense - Seoni is the magic user of RotR and she worships Pharasma.

Of course, poor Harsk is not encouraged to worship Torag as he is an "unusual dwarf" and Sajan doesn't have much use for Irori either. But that's the way it goes.

Liberty's Edge

Mike Selinker wrote:
Mmm-hmm. It used to be reversed, but the blessings that have the Pharasma trait are really good for characters that worship Pharasma, which is what we wanted. So that's what we did.

Thanks, Mr. Selinker!

Silver Crusade

Huh. Good to know. Thanks.

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