Planar Focus and Class Levels

Rules Questions

Do the scaling abilities from Planar Focus work off of your hunter (or whatever class grants you animal focus) or your class level?

My reading is that it's the latter as the abilities are specifically worded differently from the animal focus ability, however that would be extremely powerful when dipping into hunter.

Some of them explicitly say "class level". In this context, that obviously means Hunter class levels.
Some of them only say "level", though. I would not assume those abilities to work differently from the class level linked abilities, unless given specific and explicit reason to think so.

Casual Viking wrote:

Some of them explicitly say "class level". In this context, that obviously means Hunter class levels.

Some of them only say "level", though. I would not assume those abilities to work differently from the class level linked abilities, unless given specific and explicit reason to think so.

Hmm okay that makes sense I hadn't been thinking about the class level versus character level distinction as explained here: -Ambiguity

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