Foxglove: river and family name- which came first?

Rise of the Runelords

Was Foxglove River named after the family and manor? Or the other way around?

The deed to Foxglove manor in ROTR anniversary edition uses Vorel's surname so it's probably named after them but I'm not sure.

I always assumed it is named after the family. Seemed like the logical thing when settling new lands.

I think you can quite safely assume that the family name came first. As you say, the deed uses Vorel's surname. Additionaly, Foxglove does not seem like a fitting name for a river, or a spot, unless named after a person.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Family first; river name later. It likely didn't have a name before that... was just a nameless river.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

My handout for the deed to the manor specifies that the river is to be...well lemme just go get the actual text.

"Vorel Foxglove and his heirs will maintain all property, land, harvest, water and mineral rights for the area demarked by the Whisperwood River, and all lands for 3 miles north of the river, and within 5 miles of the coast...Furthermore, the Whisperwood River will, henceforth be named the "Foxglove River" in perpetuity."

Which is how I ran it, seemed good to me, but I see that James just beat me to the punch and posted the actual official ruling - THANKS AS ALWAYS FOR PARTICIPATING IN THE FORUMS JAMES!

"Hey bro, wanna go fishing?"
- "Where?"
"On that river near the Foxgloves's"
- "Alright. Lets go!"

There are a lot of "places" in my town that get nicknamed towards something that is nearby them, despite their actual name.

Thanks for the answer, James!

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