Ranged combat?

Rise of the Runelords

We're currently only on the first chapter of RotRL and our party is lacking anyone who can fight at range. This issue was inevitably brought to our attention when we faced the quasit in the Catacombs of Wrath.

So, I was wondering, without spoiling anything, is having a ranged character essential in this AP or will we be able to make do without?

Our party consists of 4 characters:
Aasimar Oath of Vengeance Paladin
Halfling Mouser Swashbuckler
Half-Orc Barbarian
Human Arcanist

Now, I, the Paladin, would easily be able to pick up a composite longbow and do some damage since my ability scores would allow it. However, I will be lacking any archery feats so I won't be as efficient as a class dedicated to archery.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Paladin with a bow wouldn't be the worst idea. Additionally, I'd suggest some potions or scrolls of fly, and that the arcanist learn the spell. This lets the melee-only party members engage such foes directly.

Liberty's Edge

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Also Flight Mastery is probably worth looking into. Maybe not for the Swashbuckler, but it would be handy for the paladin and barbarian if you don't want to shell out for other x/day flight solutions.

Silver Crusade Contributor

I forgot about that feat - it's so new. Definitely think about Flight Mastery - it's certainly on theme for the Path. ^_^

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Flight was one of my top choices. I'm also considering the Squire feat and having a Paladin with an archery build (not necessarily Divine Hunter) as my squire. This would effectively eliminate the issue and we could still fly when we need to. That might be a bit of a wasted feat, however, as I already intend on taking Leadership in the future and would likely benefit from other feats at this point

Liberty's Edge

To shoot at enemies who stay out of melee range, you do not need Precise Shot. Deadly aim has easy requirements. Regrettably Rapid Shot requires Point Blank Shot. That said there are few high CR flying creatures who are both potential enemies and not Evil. So your many Smites should be quite enough ;-)

The Deadeye Bowman trait can also adequately replace Precise Shot if need be

Silver Crusade Contributor

The Raven Black wrote:
To shoot at enemies who stay out of melee range, you do not need Precise Shot. Deadly aim has easy requirements. Regrettably Rapid Shot requires Point Blank Shot. That said there are few high CR flying creatures who are both potential enemies and not Evil. So your many Smites should be quite enough ;-)

In my experience, just pulling out a bow and smiting should get him a long way, especially at this level. I don't know if I'd use even a single feat on archery... I'd just find a route to flight.

That's just me, though. ^_^

The Raven Black wrote:
The Deadeye Bowman trait can also adequately replace Precise Shot if need be

Just for clarity's sake, this trait is only available if the character is a worshiper of Erastil. (Not impossible, of course.)

I believe all 4 of those characters are proficienty with a light crossbow and can use one when needed.

Thank you all very much for your assurance and advice! It doesn't seem like a big deal to me any more, I really appreciate it

I will say that it will seem like its a big deal if your player do not have any answers at all for mobile/flying enemies, particularly intelligent casters.

My part does not and the Boss of Book 2, the quasit and the boss of the Boggards of Brinestump Marsh all required me to dumb down their tactics or force a TPK. My party had ranged solutions but did not remember to use them... which was dumb.

If you feel the same is happening you could always prompt them with "You have a longbow on your back.. what do you do?" on their turn or leave longbows out as loot before/during the mobile boss fights.

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