UnboltedAKTION |
So we have a Vampire PC in the party. They're heading to Scarwall next session and I was wondering how I should handle Zellara's Doom.
I understand that she is a spirit and is being bound to the castle but would that effect the Undead PC as well or no? I can't find anything in the book that discusses undead party members.
Inspectre |
It is actually explicitly spelled out in the book on page 19 for undead characters (although you could adjust it a little - maybe the Chained Spirit is able to speak to the undead character telepathically, taunting them as the party makes its way through Scarwall?).
Relevant section is on page 19, under the "Soultrapping" section. Basically, undead that are created *in* Scarwall are immediately trapped (no save). Any creature, whether living or undead, who enter Scarwall and stay inside for a week must make a DC 22 Will save or they're stuck in the same way. And if the first save is passed, each additional week also forces a save.
So, in answer - the PC should probably be okay if they have a corporeal body. I seem to recall there being another section warning that PCs who try to walk around ethereally or do things that would separate their soul from their body (like Magic Jar) are also risking getting bound the same way as Zellara does.