Unchained secondary classes

Rules Questions


I am building a rogue character, and I am thinking about using the new unchained rules for multiclassing via secondary classes. So, I want to make a rogue 13 (secondary class warrior), instead of a rogue 9 / warrior 4.

Now, I was wondering about feats and their prerequisites. If a feat specifies, say, that your character should be a fighter, would my character qualify? And what if the prerequisite was one level in fighter?

Thanks in advance!

Contrary to it's name, VMC is not multiclassing. You get some fighter class features, but you are not a fighter. You qualify for feats that require the respective fighter class features, but you still have no levels in fighter.

"A character who selects this option (...) gains class features from her secondary class (...)" - Fighter levels aren't a class feature.

Why would you choose the warrior NPC class?

There is no warrior VMC option so I assume OP meant fighter.

The answer is no. You have to have actual levels in fighter to qualify.

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