Hold subscriptions

Customer Service

Sovereign Court

I was wondering if I could put a temporarily hold on my subscriptions this month. I might be moving in a week or two and would rather prevent any problems from having the wrong address. I would just contact customer service when I know my address.

I know it's a day before authorizations go through so I hope it isn't a problem.

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hi Andrew,

That's no problem, I've suspended your subscriptions and you should be receiving a confirmation email in just a moment. Once you're ready and settled into the new place and have your address, just let us know and we should be able to start them up again.

If there are any further questions or concerns that you may have in the meantime, don't hesitate to let me know.


Sovereign Court

I did get the email, thanks!

Sovereign Court

Please continue these subscriptions and set to ship January's items ASAP (including whatever may be available from the sidecart). Ended up staying so no address change needed.

I believe the final shipment should be AP #101/102 and Iconic Heroes #4


Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hey Andrew,

Thanks for letting us know! I've un-suspended your subscriptions, and generated your January order. You should receive a confirmation email for it in just a moment, the order number is #3828044. Feel free to take a look over the order and your subscriptions to make sure everything is correct, and let me know if something needs to be changed.

Otherwise, you should be all set! Don't hesitate to ask if there's anything else I can help with.

Thanks, and have a great weekend!

Sovereign Court

Looks good and got the email. Thank you for the help!

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