Drivethrucards - Character Sheet release date?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

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I am sure that this topic has been brought up before but I could not locate it. Does anyone know when the release date is for the Character sheets on https.// or maybe where the original discussion thread is located.

I'm not sure I ever remember seeing that mentioned.

Fixing the URL to puts you at a video review of the Rise of the Runelords base set.

Varnigan, were you asking "Where can I download the sheets shown starting at 3:28?" (jump to that point in the video)

I haven't seen ones with that specific layout, but there's plenty of character sheets, deck lists, and campaign progress trackers available on Paizo's website, Board Game Geek, and other websites. Hopefully someone else here will recognize them and point you to their source.

The sheets in that video were the original formats of the character sheets. They were only that way for RotR and were redesigned into their current layout with S&S so that the character and decks were separate so you could more easily move characters between adventure paths.

I think the sheets in the video are the old style of the Community Use character sheets. The current sheets can be found here.

Liberty's Edge

Thank you for fixing the link. I am looking for a way to make a custom character sheet for the game and I am hoping that a software exists though I have been unsuccessful in locating one, any ideas?

I use Adobe InDesign, but you could use anything from layout software to word processors (and/or other parts of your office suite) to image creators. (I wouldn't recommend using image creators, though. :)

I made an MS Word version for someone else that was looking for it. It isn't the best, but I think it is decent.

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