Pathfinder Battles booster packs


Hi there!

I've been buying a few battle booster packs to gain more miniatures without having to paint them. I was wondering if you guys could give me some advice.

The quality of the Shattered Stars booster packs are great and I would like to know two things.

One: Are there other booster packs with similar quality?

Two: Most booster packs have a lot of monsters and only a few humanoids (Elf, Dwarf,,Human etc.) for players to use for their characters.

Especially the second thing I'd like to know. My players are using: A skeletal champion, Mummy Lord, Vampire and a Clockwork soldier for their characters. As you can imagine, none of them are actually that so something more fitting would be nice.

I can't paint the miniatures all that way (also don't have the patience) so if there is a booster pack with a large amount of player like miniatures with a acceptable quality I'd like to know :)


Silver Crusade Contributor

This is all off the top of my head, so forgive me if it's not as specific as it should be.

The quality of paint has varied from set to set. I'm not sure what set I'd suggest, quality-wise. Rise of the Runelords, perhaps. Avoid Reign of Winter.

As for PC minis... I'd have to go through the lists, and it depends what sort of thing you're looking for. The upcoming Rusty Dragon Inn set should have quite a few, and the aforementioned Rise of the Runelords had some good ones as well. Legends of golarion is another set to consider.

I'd also recommend the Iconic Heroes line - they're non-random, so you're guaranteed to get what you want, and the quality is simply phenomenal.

Finally, remember that Paizo sells singles. It might be more efficient, especially if you want something particular.

Hope this helps. ^_^

I see! I thought of buying from Paizo themselves but I figured the shipping fee would be pricey. Turns out it was far less than I imagined. I'm from The Netherlands so that's why :).

I'll definitely be looking out for the singles now!
Thanks for the suggestions. Especially the Rusty Dragon Inn is awesome. We often joke around about Goblin Pirates in the campaign I play in so this is a must!

Grand Lodge

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Joker, you should check out Kor's Gallery here.

Ah cool! Finally a good way of seeing how they look like :)

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