Radovan Question (spoilers)


After reading many of the Tales novels, I've finally put aside the one-off books and have been going through all the David Gross stories (chronologically with the short stories and and AP fiction, thanks to Itchy and others' posts).

First off, I've loved them as much as I'd imagined, based on people's feedback. Great job Dave Gross!!!

I'm about 2/3rds of the way through Queen of Thorns, and I just got the the point where they explain Radovan's devil form, and you see him come back as/with Viridio. However, I was having a hard time imagining him (he sounded very scorpion-like, but that didn't match any of the devils I could remember), so I thought I'd check the bestiaries to ID him. Is Viridio a Bone Devil? That was the one that seemed closest... or is he just a unique devil created for the story?

That got me to thinking: what sort of devil was Norge? Bearded? Barbed? He didn't have a tail, but that could just be flavor, since neither of those types have a tail attack. I do remember him grappling, so Barbed seemed to make sense.

Also, as far as game mechanics terms, is Radovan at this point a Devilbound Creature (from Bestiary 4)?

Sorry if all of this is answered later in this book or the next few... If that's the case, just tell me to keep reading! But I like to peek behind the curtain of the books, so to speak, and see if I can find the strings that make it move ;) I figured it would be fun to hear what others thought when they were reading it too.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Well, definitely keep reading - that particular plot thread keeps developing. ^_^

If anything, I would consider them to be (in the game's parlance) "variant (type) devils", e.g. a normal type of devil that deviates from the default.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Also of interest - the unidentified devil from their first-ever story got stats (finally) in the recent Cheliax sourcebook.

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