Absalom AP

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

Silver Crusade

I am looking at running an "Defenders" style game in the City of Absalom. How much info is out there on the City. Will there ever be an AP set there or a book that is more in-depth than the Guide to Absalom. Could i find enough pfs adventures to piece this together?

Grand Lodge

This might help.

Go to Adventure Finder..

You can find enough PFS scenarios to link together several adventure paths in Absalom. There are a ton of great storylines out there between all of the seasons, with several linking from one season to the next. The Blakros series of scenarios alone is a great place to start.

Silver Crusade

I wonder if it can be ran as a sandbox style game

To sandbox Absalom, all you need is the Guide to Absalom to understand the city. In PFS scenarios, the missions are always given - whereas in sandbox adventures, PCs just wander around. You can sandbox it, but that means sandboxing it on the fly without adventures.

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