Filch |

Hi all,
Sorry if this has been answered before, but I can't find it anywhere. The rules say to substitute the Cavalier levels as Druid levels when determining BAB. Does this mean I should figure the BAB for a 2-HD animal companion as a 2nd lvl Druid, i.e. +1, or should I be doing it using the Cavalier chart because I'm doing based on Cavalier stats, so a +2?
The basic Horse has Str 16, with a bite (1d4) or 2 hooves (1d6) as secondary natural attacks. Adding Str modifier & BAB, this gives bite+4 (1d4+3), or 2 hooves-1 (1d6+1), or an extra +1 to hit if we use the Cavalier BAB. Is this right?

Urath DM |

The Cavalier's mount is an Animal Companion. It does not use the Horse entry from the Bestiary at all. It uses the "Horse" entry on p.54 of the Core Rulebook for its basics, and the table linked by CampinCarl9127 (p. 52) for advancement. The Cavalier's level is treated as the Druid level on that table to determine the stats.