Twas the Night Before Xmas Pathfinder Lodge Poem

Pathfinder Society

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

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Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the lodge
Not an adventurer was stirring, not even those with a Cheliax cause.
Bags of holding were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that a Mythical Elf would bring them new magic to share.

The faction Leaders were nestled all snug in their beds,
(Except for a certain Para countess all dressed in Leather red)
And Drandle behind his desk reading scrolls of lore
Had just settled which Pathfinders he would send for.

When out in the court yard there a rose such a clatter,
Drandle sprang from his desk to see what was the matter.
Away to the window he flew summoning those unlucky few,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

Showed him the growing horde far down below
When, what to his wondering eyes should appear,
But a Large Brutish Man whipping eight vicious dire deer

With Crimson eyes, so lively and quick,
He cast three spells with just a flick of his wrist
Drandle knew in a moment who it must be

More rapid than eagles his undead minions flew,
And he chanted, and summoned, and called these creatures by name!
Drandle did not hear them, but knew them by their growing fame.

As quick as only the undead could fly
They met unexpected resistance and fireballs lit up the sky.
So the Dark Sleigh Rider armed with battle axe and heavy mace,
Pointed down at the main house and made all haste
He smiled knowingly as he descended faster,
This Dark Fiend knew no master

And then jumped from the sleigh in a spinning dive,
He made his acrobatics check DC: 25
I shook my head as I heard the clatter,
Drandle yelled for us and we rose to see what was the matter.

As I drew my blade and my friend her Bow,
Down the south passage is where we would go
There he stood ten feet tall,
Calling out a challenge for one and all!

He was dressed all in Armor, covered in spikes
Armed now with a Wicked battle axe that must be Plus five!
All buffed with plenty of spells,
His eyes twinkled with the power of several hells.
When much to our horror he went for his magical sack,
We all knew right then we had to fall back

After we dove for cover our wizard made a plan
Blast him with lightning and a Crushing Hand!
We charged him then without a thought,
We needed to flank him without getting caught.

He was quick deadly, and resistant to fire
And according to my Knowledge Check he would never tire.
With a move action and a twist of his head,
He brought forth his last minion, Rudolph the Red
Laughing out loud, feeling me with dread
I prayed and used smite, dropping his henchman dead

To our surprise he withdrew to his sleigh,
Eyeing us closely as he slowly made his way
I heard him exclaim as he rode into the night,
“This is not over, Your GM let you off lite!”
Merry Christmas to all and to all good night.

-James (VC of Jax X-Mas 2012)

Hope everyone enjoys my poem!!

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