How long ago was the initial revolution in Galt?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I've been pondering a character concept, a partisan who fought in the Galt rebellion who fled the country after the revolution went bad, and has since been reticent to use violence. I'm trying to figure out if a Half-Elf would be long-lived enough for this to be feasible, or if a full-blooded Elf or Dwarf would be necessary.

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From Parhfinder Wiki:

Galt's tumultuous fall into mob anarchy began with the ascension of House Thrune in Cheliax in 4640 AR. With the blatant devilry and capricious cruelty of their new masters, dissent began to bubble up in Galt.

The current year in Golarion is 4715, so 75 years ago.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What initial revolution? The Voice of the People is still silenced by counter-revolutionary forces who expropriate daily from the proletariat! Rise up my brothers, and seize the future for yourselves!

Galtan people, people of brothers,
Can you watch, without shuddering in horror,
As crime unfurls its banners
Of Carnage and Terror?
You suffer an atrocious horde,
Of assassins and brigands,
Soiling with its savage breath,
The lands of the living!

What is this barbaric languor?
Sovereign people, hurry
To return to the monsters of Tenairon
All these drinkers of human blood.
War against all those who practice this crime!
Hound them to the death;
Share the horror that impels me,
They shall not escape us.

Representatives of a just people.
O you! humane legislators,
Whose august countenances
cause our vile assassins to tremble,
Follow the path of your glory,
Your names, beloved by humanity,
Rush to the temple of remembrance,
In the bosom of immortality.

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