Ya'akov |

(UPDATE: I recently went through and made a few changes to the template. As always, please let me know what you think, and especially let me know if you use it in a campaign; I would love to know how it works.)
So in a recent campaign, my GM ruled that my Intelligent Katana (Named "Katrina"), who had the spell "Alter-self", could use it at-will on herself to become a little-girl that enjoyed riding on my shoulders and went into a quiet rage whenever undead creatures were near. This ruling was for role-play purposes only, so she could not turn into a humanoid and then wield her own weapons; she just used it to have fun and chat, essentially.
It was so much fun that I wanted to create a custom template for Intelligent weapons that would allow the same thing, but with all that "rules language" that mine often lacked. So, here are the basics of what I have come up with; I'm looking for ideas on what to change and on what to add or take away.
(Note: In the case of this template, I'm wanting to word it so the sword has some limited abilities while in its humanoid form. The idea is for the weapon to be able to defend itself with abilities based on the enchantments of the base weapon, but its full strength is ALWAYS while in the hands of a wielder)
Some Magic weapons sometimes have intelligence of their own. Magically imbued with sentience, these items think and feel the same way characters do and can be both a boon and a hindrance to their wielders. While such weapons are rare, even rarer still are the weapons with not just minds, but bodies of their own. Created or endowed with the ability to change from weapon to person and vice-versa, these sentient blades are just as capable of walking alongside their wielders as they are slashing their enemies.
Very few weapons such as this exist, and as such it is unclear how they are created, though it seems to require a tremendous amount of magic. Some deities may endow a favored weapon with such power that the blade becomes more than just a blade. This effect, while useful for cases where a blade must find a wielder, appears to cause tremendous stress to the mind of such items when they are created, sometimes to the point of temporary insanity. Such weapons may not realize what they are, let alone notice when they start walking around. In fact, such high levels of magic seem to make up their forms, that is often a wonder the beings can retain any sanity at all.
In any case, while the weapon does gain some degree of power from their wielders while in humanoid form, the blade will always be at its true potential in the hands of a wielder. Therefore such weapons usually seek out wielders far more carefully than normal sentient ones. After all, they don't have to wait around for a wielder to find them, and therefore have more options available to them. Such Soulshaper Blades, as they often call themselves, may even befriend adventurers and travel with them to see if one of them is worthy or suitable of being its companion, keeping their true nature secret until they have made their decision, sometimes for weeks. An offer from such a weapon should never be taken lightly, as such weapons will often carry a form of a curse that activates upon the Soulshaping Weapon's new wielder accepting the offer with a handshake. Most Soulshaping Weapons curses are not serious, though any non-Evil aligned weapon will always warn a potential wielder beforehand if it is aware it has one.
"Soulshaping Weapon" is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any intelligent magic weapon with an enchantment modifier of at least +1 and an ego score no higher than 15 (referred to hereafter as the base weapon). The weapon is still considered a construct, even while in its humanoid form. All other features regarding intelligent weapons and constructs still apply, except as noted below.
Humbled By Change
The nature the magic used to grant Soulshaping Weapons their abilities also has the surprising effect of making them less likely to consider themselves superior to their wielders. Gaining the ability to walk alongside those who would wield them, seeing the world as humanoids see it, and feeling the emotions they feel usually lessens the force of an items personality; an Intelligent weapon with this template will not consider itself superior to any wielder unless it gains an Ego score of at least 25.
Increased Tolerance
Soulshaping Weapons are more tolerant of other magic items, even intelligent ones, though the tolerance is rarely both ways.
Alignment: Same as base Weapon; Due to their enhanced outlook on the world, many Soulshaping Weapons tend to become less radical or carefree, and as a result are more likely to shift towards a more Neutral alignment. This is not always the case, however. Unlike other intelligent items, Soulshaping Weapons are slightly more willing to work outside of their alignment, though only if the situation is not of serious consequence.
Type: Construct with the Shapechanger subtype, with some minor differences as noted below, and Humanoid with the Shapechanger subtype while in humanoid form w/ differences as noted below.
Healing Immunity (Ex) - While in humanoid form, a Soulshaping Weapon cannot be affected by spells with the healing descriptor unless the spell specifically states it can affect constructs.
Magical Form/Body - The humanoid form of a Soulshaping Weapon is composed almost entirely of localized energy and magic, given form by the weapons will and desire, as well as the desires of its wielder. This makes them particularly vulnerable to dispelling magic. When the Soulshaping Weapon is made the target of any dispel effect, regardless of the intended target, there is a D20% chance that the Soulshaping Weapon will immediately revert back into its weapon form. Even if it succeeds at resisting the effect, it becomes staggered for 1d3 rounds. If it does revert, it cannot use its shapeshift ability for 1d6 minutes.
Non-Armor Proficient - Soulshaping Weapons cannot armor of any kind, as it interferes with their ability to maintain their form.
Abilities: The change into a Soulshaping Weapon always grants the weapon a slightly stronger mind. Increase the Soulshaping Weapon's INT, WIS, and CHA scores all by +2. While in Humanoid form, the Soulshaping Weapon gains STR and DEX equal to 10 plus its current wielders STR and DEX scores minus 10, and divided by 2 (For example, if the wielder has a STR score of 16, the Soulshaping Weapons STR score would be equal to 10+((16-10)/2) = 13). Without a wielder, they are equal to 10. Soulshaping Weapons do not have a CON score in either form. Increased STR and DEX scores increase the weapons Ego score by half the amount it does for mental scores, rounded down.
Soulblade Form:
A Soulshaping Weapon has the ability to shapeshift into a given humanoid form at will. This form is determined by their current wielder; this often result in forms that look similar, but never identical to the wielder. Some often confuse a Soulshaping Weapon companion as the wielders relative, like a brother or sister, or even child. Many of the detailed features of the Soulshaping Weapon carry on to new forms if it finds a new wielder (such as facial shape and eye-color). The Shoulshaping Weapon can choose to appear as any age.
When it first gains this template, the specific race they resemble is determined randomly (usually one of the core races), and remains fixed until it finds a wielder, after which it changes to match its wielder. The Soulshaping Weapon can revert to its weapon form at any time it wishes, but must do so at least once a week for at least 5 minutes.
While in humanoid form, the Soulshaping Weapon gains a STR and DEX as listed above, but not a CON score. A Soulshaping Weapon can eat and drink while in its humanoid form, but does not need to, and does not gain any benefits from doing so. The humanoid form is always clothed in simple attire, and anything else it wears is absorbed into the weapon whenever it reverts back to its weapon form, except for other magic gear.
Reverting to Weapon Form: a Soulshaping Weapon can revert to its weapon form as a standard action. This action does not count towards its wielders actions, though he/she must still pick up/draw the weapon. Alternatively, the Soulshaping Weapon can grasp their wielders hand and revert to its blade form as a combined swift action (I.E. both the weapon and wielder use a swift action), after which it is considered wielded and ready. Once in its weapon form, all rules for intelligent weapons apply.
Senses: The Soulshaping Weapon gains senses equivalent to its current humanoid form, but only while in that form. In addition, it also retains any senses from its base weapon form, such as darkvision.
Armor Class/Hit Points: While in Humanoid form, the Soulshaping Weapon gains a deflection bonus to its AC equal to its enchantment modifier, x2. Its Hit-Points are equal to the Hardness of the base weapon form x2. Due to the magical, and somewhat incorporeal nature of their bodies, there is also a d20% chance that any attack against them, magic or otherwise, will automatically fail, with the exception of dispel effects (see above).
Immunity: Soulshaping Weapons have the same immunities as constructs in both of their forms, except for immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms). Against these they gain a +2 bonus to saves.
Speed: While in humanoid form, a Soulshaping Weapon has a base speed of 30 regardless of their form, and it gains Run as a bonus feat.
Special Abilities:
A Soulshaping Weapon is able to use limited magic while in humanoid form. Such magic is always simple compared to actual spellcasters, thus it is primarily used by the Soulshaping Weapon for defense. These spell-like abilities are based upon the enchantments that the base weapon has. It gains the following abilities depending on its enchantments as well as those additionally listed (Caster Level is equal to the base weapons enchantment modifier, maximum of +5):
At Will: Shapeshift, Humanoid form only.
3/Day: If the base weapon has the Corrosive, Corrosive Burst; Flaming, Flaming Burst; Frost, Icy Burst; Shock, Shocking Burst; or Defending weapon enchantments, it gains either Acid Arrow, Flame Strike, Chill Metal, Lightning Bolt, or Shield, respectively.
1/Day: If the weapon has the Holy or Unholy Enchantments, it gains Holy Smite, or Unholy Blight, respectively.
[i]Special: Agony of Loss[i]
Over time, blade and wielder will often become more than Sword and Master, they will become friends and comrades, and the loss of such a wielder can be mentally shattering for Soulshaping Weapons to the point where they may release a tremendous amount of magic in a wail of despair. If the Soulshaping Weapon has spent more than 3 months with a wielder whose alignment was within at least one step of its own alignment, and who was slain the previous round, then the Soulshaping Weapon immediately changes into its humanoid form, and any creatures within 90 feet of the Soulshaping Weapon (depending on its alignment) are affected as per the Disintegrate Spell, caster level 10.
If the Soulshaping Weapon was Good aligned, any allies of the wielder are unaffected if they make their save, otherwise they take damage equivalent to half of what they would take if they had made their save against a standard Disintegrate spell, but are not disintegrated. If Neutral, any allies of the wielder are affected as though they made their saves, but still take damage. If Evil, all creatures in range are effected.
Once this ability has been activated, the Soulshaping Weapon is unable to revert to its weapon form for 12 hours, and is unconscious for that time.
Afterthoughts: this template is meant to add new dynamics to the Pathfinder games. At the GM’s discretion, he/she may determine that some abilities listed here may not be acceptable for their campaign. GM’s are encouraged to alter this template to fit their campaign setting.
Soulshaping Weapons can add a unique dynamic and a possible drive for PC’s. A soulshaping weapon may join the party at first as a simple guide or traveling companion, and then reveal their true nature once a given PC has met certain criteria at the GM’s discretion (Such as making certain decisions, reaching a certain class level, or becoming skilled in a particular area). In other cases, a soulshaping weapon could be under a state of insanity or memory loss before being found by the party. Depending on how the players deal with the encounter, the weapon may recover and aid them as thanks. An existing intelligent weapon could be changed into a Soulshaping weapon while with the party after being exposed to powerful magic.

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A while back I created an archetype for the witch called the soulbinder. The witch creates a covenant with a patron to gain a petitioner instead of a familiar. The petitioner could transform into a weapon.
I think I am going to borrow a little bit of what you developed by making the weapon intelligent.

Ya'akov |

A while back I created an archetype for the witch called the soulbinder. The witch creates a covenant with a patron to gain a petitioner instead of a familiar. The petitioner could transform into a weapon.
I think I am going to borrow a little bit of what you developed by making the weapon intelligent.
Fine with me. I'd like to see the finished results when you're done, if you don't mind.