Gnome's Master Tinker trait & Choir of Blades teamwork feat synergy

Rules Questions

So, I'm in the process of writing up a sequel to an old guide of mine and had a question regarding possibly using the gnome's alternate racial trait Master Tinker with the Choir of Blades teamwork feat.

The Master Tinker racial trait reads:

Master Tinker Gnomes experiment with all manner of mechanical devices. Gnomes with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks. They are treated as proficient with any weapon they have personally crafted. This racial trait replaces defensive training and hatred.

The Choir of Blades teamwork feat reads:

While you're adjacent to an ally of a race different that your own who also has this feat, you gain the following benefits. If your ally has a racial bonus on attack rolls against a particular creature type or subtype, you also gain that bonus. If your ally has ancestral arms, weapon familiarity, or any other racial trait that grants weapon proficiencies, you also gain those proficiencies.

So, would a non-gnome ally who possessed Choir of Blades gain the gnome's weapon proficiency that they themselves have gained through the Master Tinker alternate racial trait?

Any thoughts regarding this?

I'm hoping to incorporate this into a new Commoner's Handbook for Pathfinder.

I don't think so. Master Tinker states that they are treated as if they are proficient, and not that they are granted weapon proficiencies, while the latter says it works with granted weapon proficiencies.

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