Coming up with a spell list / spells known for a Mystic (Modern Path)


So we converted from D20 modern to Modern Path, and my character changed from a Mage to a Mystic. Which I'm liking. Can't wrap my head around using the Oracle spell list for a Demon tainted arcanist, and Witch is just wrong. Why would a New England blue blood with an Ivy League education use a spell list that revolves round swamps, rustic living, and hags?

My DM seems amenable to me creating a custom spell list roughly similar in power to the witch list, so no general purpose area-effect destruction, or not so good ones at any rate. He might decide I need to pick either Oracle or Witch though.

Overall, any advice on how to choose wisely? Or how would you choose? Bearing in mind:

By world law summoning & planar allies are invocation only, so that's out.

How many magic weapons/wands/rods did you find on your last trip to K-Mart? Yeah, me too. They're freakishly rare, but 1911A1s are available in a wide variety of finishes. They're a simple weapon also, so my character can use one. (Debating between Nambu Model 60 and a Walther PPK for general usage.)

Modern transportation, computers, the interwebs, etc all exist, and make a lot of PF cool spells kind of pointless.

Also, this character has access to low level divination stuff as spell-like abilities via feats.

Campaign is occult detective based, with major combats relatively rare.

It's really up to you and the GM to choose what works best for you game world. I agree there is so much to choose from, it can get overwhelming. Modern Path 2 was made before the Occult adventures came out and a spell list from Occult adventures might work better for your setting. I do know Modern Path 3 is being worked on, and you can ask Talon over at Fantastic Gallery on what might work best.

I am updating the old Hero Lab datasets for Modern Path 2 and I’ll add the spell list from the Occult Adventures to the Mystic. I just need to finish up the MSRD Future data and then I’ll get to the Fantasy side.

So if there is anything you need me to add or fix to the dataset, just let me know.

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