What Can I Use to Bring Nualia Into a Second Encounter?

Rise of the Runelords

Hey. I've read in the Anniversary Guide that if Nualia escaped, she can be encountered again-it said that it would be interesting to make her into a half-fiend with more levels in cleric.

How would you make the statistics? And where would you put her?

I´m just pondering that question - no stats yet. My party is about to run back to Sandpoint to fend off the giant attack (IOW, about to start chapter 4).

"My" Nualia got killed when the PCs encountered her the second time. They caught her in Thistletop and handed her over to Judge Ironbriar, never knowing what a rotten apple he was. They encountered her, with nearly unchanged stats (minus her magical equipment), in the Sevens Sawmill.

But that won´t stop me from letting her come back, with the half-fiend template for sure. Using her stats from the book with the template added will result in a CR 7 Creature, if she gets fitting equipment.

(Un-)Holy Vindicator might be a fitting PrC, with the Stigmata ability sounding like being written with her in mind. She only seems to be missing Alignment Channel in prerequisites, which is an easy fix.

I guess she will return to Sandpoint as well, and perhaps going on a killing spree in town. With the template, she will be a real danger there - not quite unstoppable, but most folks in town are pretty much helpless against her.

In my game, Nualia got away under sanctuary when the PCs infiltrated Thistletop.
I will bring her back when the big folk attack Sandpoint.
She will be riding a (second--not yet sure) red dragon (I can finally get some milage out of the ubiquitous female plastic minis!).
I will add the half-fiend template and 4 levels of cleric, PC-equivalent gear.


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