Items to Heal Yourself with Negative Energy?


Hi, I have been doing some exercises statting Laori Vaus as a Warpriestfor my CoCT campaign and I was wondering if there was a way for her to heal herself with negative energy via Fervor. I thought there was an item that allows you to do that, but I cannot find it. Any idea what it was called or if there is a cleric spell that can do that?

Dark Archive

Yes. If your character is a worshiper of Urgathoa, he can wear a Pallid Crystal and heal from cure or inflict spells.

You could give her a level of cleric and take the Undead subdomain.

Well, it´s for a Kuthite, but I imagine it should work well enough as a reskin. Thanks!

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Are you the GM? Make the "Necromantic Affinity" feat work with all negative energy like it should.

Or just prep some Cure spells and use those with fervor. They're better anyway.

If your table allows third party and its appropriate for the character, the Grave Bound Primal Host starts with the morph that allows the host to be healed by negative energy. It does require you to allow some form of necromantic parasite live in your body and occasionally control you though.

Otherwise, I agree with Paulicus, or ask your GM if you can take the 3.5 feat Tomb Tainted Soul

I am the DM, so okaying stuff is not a problem. I was just checking what PF-updated material exists :) .

There's the Anatomy Doll, linked to a person deals 1 negative damage as a standard action and the sickened condition for one round. Who's to say a willing applicant wouldn't want to use it to fully heal out of combat?

We have a black-blooded oracle/Pain Taster that uses one of those for healing. Plus some sneak attack, I think.

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