Air Elemental - How solid are they?

Rules Questions

Since they're made of air I assume they can pass through things like someone in gaseous form, but there is no mention of that.

What I'm wanting to do is create a whirlwind and bang creatures against a force cage by passing through it. It'll just do slam damage and drop them, but I was wondering if that was possible.


They're solid. They can even be grappled and pinned.

Also their slams wouldn't have much effect if they weren't.

Sovereign Court

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Disappointingly solid, in fact.

I remember running into entirely vaporous air elementals in Shadowrun that could stop you from breathing. That was scary.

So, it can't pass through a force cage even in whirlwind form? The way I see whirlwind is you're an air swarm. The fact that you don't provoke AoO and can freely pass through enemy squares like a swarm means that you're insubstantial, but not incorporeal like gaseous form. The limits in this form seem to confirm that, but don't actually say it.

Sovereign Court

You can still spank the whirlwind. I don't think air elementals are well-written really. They'd have been best off using some cross between swarm and incorporeal rules I guess.


The Amorphous and Compression qualities would have been ideal, IMO.

Sovereign Court

Amorphous wouldn't have done anything for it as - being an elemental - it's already immune to SA & crits. While I like the fluff - it'd be one more thing for GMs to look up before running them.

I agree with Compression though.

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