Pilgrimage event in Ultimate Campaign

Product Discussion

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

The Pilgrimage event states:

Pilgrimage (settlement): Randomly select one settlement with a Cathedral, Shrine, or Temple. Pious religious folk journey to your settlement, holding a religious festival in that settlement at no BP cost to you.

But it doesn't actually list what a religious festival does?

Is this listed somewhere that I've missed?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Heh, looks like something snuck past in editing. Religious and civil festival rules can be found in Ultimate Rulership by Legendary Games.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Religious Festivals are the original Kingmaker term for Holiday Edicts. Each of which cost BPs. The Pilgrimage event gives you a free one.

Ultimate Rulership uses Holiday Edicts & Festival Edicts, with costs and bonuses for each. Again, the Pilgrimage event gives you a free one.

Liberty's Edge

So if I understand the wording correctly the Kingdom gets an additional "Holiday/Festival" for free without adjusting their Edicts for that turn.

But...most if not all of the "Events" give a bonus or a penalty that can be applied numerically to the Kingdom, this one does not. There is no value or penalty associated with it other than from an RP point of view.

Does that mean we as GM's can apply a value, if we wish to?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If using core, odds are that the pilgrimage event won't do much of anything (as it won't bump your number of holidays up enough to affect the overall holiday edict). If you're using URule (and if not, why not? It's awesome), a free religious festival is a BIG deal.

I'll give a brief rundown on the festival edict effects later (when I have the book to hand).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Not going to repeat the rules in full (if you want those, please buy Ultimate Rulership, support 3pps), but basically you pay some BP (it varies based on where the festival is being held), make an Economy, a Loyalty, and a Stability check, and if more than one of the checks succeeds, you get a 50% boost (for two successes) or 100% (for three successes) boost to all benefits certain types of buildings (different for civic and religious festivals) provide for one month. That includes things like bonuses, as well as gp limit and magic items (with immediately filling item slots that vanish after the festival month ends). If less than two of the checks succeed, there are problems. All festivals come with risks, so there's a Stability reduction (after the check for the success of the festival) caused by the influx of people.

A free religious festival can be a big deal, basically.

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