Ramblin Man Part Deux: Game Edition

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Scarab Sages

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Wherein I randomly spout off about game ideas I have.....

To begin:

This was from the last campaign I was a part of in Philly. It was a "blown up" Forgotten Realms, and we each took turns DMing, picking up where the last guy left off, and incorporating stuff others did into our own narrative.

One of my ideas was Dagon's Fang - a rock island off the Sword Coast with an ancient tower protruding from it. It had it's origins as shrine to Dagon and the dwelling place of one of the Demon Prince's most powerful oracles, as well as supporting flunkies/worshippers.

Eventually, that cult was wiped out by a powerful Sea Wizard and his allies. They used it as a home for awhile, but eventually all disappeared.

I was most proud of the tower map I had created, using CC3.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Another thought I recently had....

A town of artisans and craftsmen (I was going to make it primarily dwarves and elves) has an annual Festival of Lanterns. Only this year, murders and other acts of destruction have spread fear and confusion.

The culprits are a small cult which has been convinced by a powerful and clever Will-O-Wisp into worshipping it. May more than one Wisp. It's feeding of the fear generated by the cult's actions. During the night, it disguises itself as a lantern near the scene of each crime they commit.

Grand Lodge

Aberzombie wrote:
I was most proud of the tower map I had created, using CC3.

Can you post that map? I'd be interested in seeing it.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

An inn called The Flailing Beaver. It's prime feature is a seemingly immortal beaver, living in an enclosure. He's well known for his uncanny accuracy in identifying those who are evil. He writhes and flails about when they enter the inn.

In truth, he's a paladin, trapped in this form and cursed with immortality because he seriously pissed off Shyka of the Eldest.

Scarab Sages

Digitalelf wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I was most proud of the tower map I had created, using CC3.
Can you post that map? I'd be interested in seeing it.

I can try. Won't be for a few days. I'm currently away from home.

Grand Lodge

Aberzombie wrote:
I can try. Won't be for a few days. I'm currently away from home.

No problem, no hurry. :-)

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A pit of acid with a single, stone bridge to cross. Only the bridge is a mimic - it grabs someone and then just drops into the acid.

Scarab Sages

Some random names I wrote down:

The Book of Counted Sorrows

Shadowbend Manor

Scarab Sages

The Tablet of Stone

The Tablet of Iron and Steel

Sacred dwarven writings on the secrets of metal and stone craft

And one that's considered heretical by some dwarves.....

....The Tablet of Wood.

Names might need a bit of work, but I kind of like the concept.

Scarab Sages

A nice picture of Horseshoe Bend in Arizona showed up in my Facebook feed this morning. It made me think..."That place would make a really cool dwarven citadel or fortress/outpost".

Scarab Sages

Speaking of cool pictures that inspire gaming thoughts....

...If you ever get the chance, check out Earth Porn. I know they have a Facebook page. I'm guessing they also have a regular website. They're always putting up really cool pictures of various natural locations and man-made buildings/roads/etc.

Scarab Sages

One of these days, I'm just going to grab a handful of random minis and make an adventure out of them.

Scarab Sages

If I ever get to gaming again. I left the group I was in when I first moved to Texas, for personal reasons at the time. Someday, maybe I'll game again.

Scarab Sages

My nine year old nephew did want to pick up with the game his father and I were running for him.

Scarab Sages

Whilst sitting in a meeting today, I was suddenly hit with the desire to see the table be revealed as a mimic and eat a particular co-worker.

That got me thinking - have a king/emperor/extremely wealthy merchant/powerful magic user with a trained mimic as a bodyguard. Or maybe even several mimics.

Scarab Sages

The Sea's Bounty - a very expensive (and exclusive) inn/dinning hall located on a large ship. It sails between several port cities, catering to the aristocracy and higher echelons of the merchant class. The owner of the ship is the former Captain, who acquired vast wealth during his voyages, then decided to retire and turn his love of cooking to a new use. In each port the ship visits, he owns a small building where his sailing crew is housed while docked. These houses also keep various items in stock for the eatery, such as plates, cups, utensils, spices, and any kind of food items that can be stored long term.

Scarab Sages

I found myself wondering this morning..."Does Golarion have coffee?" I suppose I could try to research this, but that would require time I can spend doing more productive things.

Scarab Sages

Yesterday, I saw an article about some dude from the JPL, sounding off on what might be a good way to start building a Death Star. He'd start by using an asteroid as the foundations for construction, mining it for resources.

Anyway, it got me thinking about the old Spelljammer campaign setting. Good times.....

Scarab Sages

What about a Disney-like place? It could have been founded by a great wizard (or someone wealthy enough to hire powerful magic users). They could have automatons, golems, lots of illusions, etc. all aimed at entertaining people, especially children.

Scarab Sages

Eventually, when my boy is old enough to game, I'll have to convert the TMNT's into PF characters for him to team up with.

Scarab Sages

I don't recall ever seeing a Green Lantern ring converted into D&D terms.

I recall they had something similar to a lightsaber. That was cool. I think it was a Wand of Force. Could make Walls of Force or could sprout a 4 foot blade of force and be used as a sword.

Scarab Sages

One of these days, I really should put up a shelf for my collection of old D&D Boxed Sets.

Scarab Sages

I foresee many new Jedi-like characters in Pathfinder/D&D games in the next few years.

Scarab Sages

I wonder, where on Golarion do people cook gumbo?

Scarab Sages

Yesterday, some co-workers and I were discussing odd phrases you occasionally hear people say (especially older people). One example was "three sheets to the wind". Another was "dressed to the nines".

So I was doing some research on the origins of the phrases, and it got me thinking: it'd be cool to see an article about phrases like this which are used commonly throughout Golarion.

Scarab Sages

My boy is watching one of his currently favorite Disney shows - PJ Masks. It's three kids who use their pajamas to turn into heroes at night and fight crime. Anyway, each kid has a sort of totem animal their powers are based on, and when the do their transformation sequences, stylized pictures of the animals appear. I was thinking the owl one would make a really good shield symbol.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I wonder - does Golarion have any chain stores?

Scarab Sages

An island once ruled over by a powerful wizard. He eventually passed on, but left a bunch of intelligent constructs, built to look like children's toys, behind as guardians. They hide in plain sight as the toys of the children.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Golarion needs its own version of Kolchak the Night Stalker. One like the original, not that half-assed remake.

Scarab Sages

Golarion also needs some whacked-out-of-his-gourd NPC who runs around pretending to be a famous night and has some little dude following him, banging coconuts. The crazy dude is actually a renowned hero - no one knows why he's crazy now, or who pays the dude following him (maybe a construct instead).

Scarab Sages

I miss making maps. Maybe if I ever pass my PE exam, I can relax enough to get back into it.

Scarab Sages

Who knows, I could even start gaming again. I'd have to find a group, though.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've had people offer me spots in play-by-posts, but...no thanks. I prefer to do my gaming live and in person. It's why I don't do those MMORPGs.

Scarab Sages

But I'm old enough now that I can be picky - if I won't get along with everyone in the gaming group, there's no point.

Scarab Sages

I was thinking, a bit earlier, about what a College of Engineering might look like in the Golarion setting; what kind of subjects would be studied:

- Siege Engines, fortifications (and how to get through/around them)
- Roads, buildings, city walls, sewers, maybe even some viaducts
- Smithing, armoring, some minor mechanisms (clocks, winches, for example), metallurgy
- specialist study on how to produce equipment used by wizards/alchemists
- alchemists already seem to have a strong dose of chemical engineer, so you might conceivably find some of that studying going on

And, of course, you'd have to have at least one, if not several dwarves on the staff.....

Scarab Sages

'Tis a quiet morning in the office. Like someone cast a "Silence" spell. I used to like to think what spells from the game would be useful in certain situations. Especially meetings - "Scorching Ray" came to mind a lot.

Scarab Sages

Caught on Rise of the Guardians last night. Fun movie. I thought the Guardians, Man in the Moon, and Pitch would make an excellent addition to a campaign setting pantheon.

Scarab Sages

It'd be interesting to see an AP or super-module dealing with alternate realities.

Scarab Sages

One day, I'd also love to see a module that starts off with the death via dismemberment of a group of teens who had discovered some kind of mystical talismans that turned them into super-powered adventurers with different colored uniforms.

Scarab Sages

Or a team of youngsters who had the powers of the five elements....including "heart".

Scarab Sages

We need a module with a vampire who has an obsession with numbers.

Scarab Sages

And I'm still amazed we don't have a PC race based on Wookies.

Scarab Sages

I didn't think I'd have a use for that holiday16 discount, but then I realized I had never bothered to buy the Occult Adventures hardcover, nor the Bestiary 5 hardcover.

Scarab Sages

Does Golarion have its own version of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? And, if so, does Pestilence look like a toddler?

Scarab Sages

The Whale Bone Inn - an inn down near the docks of [insert city name here]. Years ago, a large whale was beached during a vicious storm. The owner of the property, a wealthy and eccentric merchant or nobleman, had the carcass stripped of flesh, then used the bones as the support structure for the inn.

Scarab Sages

The Fallen Tower of Ungersoll - The home of the wizard known as Ungersoll. It was originally a normal tower, but fell on its side during an earthquake. It remained relatively intact, due to the magic he had invested in the structure. Ungersoll decided he liked it better that way, and reconfigured the interior to better suit the new orientation.

Scarab Sages

Mad Leong's Noodle Emporium - An alchemist who retired from a brief life of adventure after one too many near fatal accidents, Leong decided to turn his talents to cooking instead. He's not really "mad", but has cultivated a reputation as an eccentric, but honorable, man. The local aristocracy and several powerful merchants hold him in high regard, and so his establishment has become known for business meetings.

Scarab Sages

A castle/stronghold built at the bottom of an often storm-ravaged cliff. Part of the Lower levels facing out to see are made of magically reinforced glass, so one can watch the waves pound up against them.

Scarab Sages

Eurg the Grower - he is an older man, maybe in his 40s, with three young daughters. He has a small manor, surrounded by a multitude of gardens and beehives, on the outskirts of the city. He sells fresh food, honey, and mead at market.

Unbeknownst to any but his daughters, Eurg was once a powerful and wicked warlord. During one of his conquests, he was betrayed and left for dead by his second-in-command. He was taken in by a lonely woman and her three small children, and nursed back to health. This changed him.

Later, after his army and treacherous second were wiped out, survivors came and killed the woman. He killed those former followers, then took the three girls with him to raise as his own.

Scarab Sages

Branbuel the Tester - a thieving rogue who, after being captured and sent to prison for several years, decided to reform himself. Now he makes his living testing security for nobles, museums, and even prisons. He'll actually volunteer to be incarcerated, then try his best to break out.

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