Class Deck Questions

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion


I'm pretty new to pathfinder ACG. I'm hoping to attend a local card guild event soon so I bought a few of the class decks for my wife and I to look through so we could try and build some characters.

To build a beginning character it mentions something like:

"Your character deck must meet the Cards List
requirements on the back of your character card. You
must use cards from your Class Deck box according to
the following hierarchy.
1. Use cards that have the set indicator B and the
Basic trait.
2. Use cards that have the set indicator B without
the Basic trait.
3. Use cards that have the set indicator 1 and the
Basic trait.
4. Use cards that have the set indicator 1 without
the Basic trait,
… and so on, up to the adventure deck number of
your current tier"

Does this mean we must include cards in that order. First set B cards with the Basic trait, then set B non-Basic cards? If that doesn't meet the requirements we can add set 1 cards with the B-trait?

Or do we have all of the listed cards available to build a deck?

In that order. You shouldn't have to hit the Set 1 cards for your initial build, but there will be times that you need to go to the non-Basic cards.

I tend to split out all of my Class Decks into groups:

Basic B (Weapons, Spells, Armors, Items, Allies, Blessings)
B (Weapons, Spells, Armors, Items, Allies, Blessings)
1 (etc.)

Makes it easier to create characters and find cards to add when I finish a scenario.

Thanks for the speedy response we'll now have a new Paladin and Bard ready for play on Monday :)

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