Quick question using vital strike....

Rules Questions

Ok, so trying to get an understanding on something....

1. If you have a full round attack but choose to use vital strike (along with power attack or not), you essentially forfeit your other attacks for that one with the bonus damage from vital strike, yes?

2. Assuming that vital strike takes away your multiple strikes for one heavier one at your highest modifiers, is it possible on a turn, to move say, 15 feet, and use vital strike for that one attack I get? Or do I have to have the other attacks to trade for vital strike in order to use it?

Thanks guys! Any advice would help!


Vital Strike takes the place of standard action (i.e., single) attack. So it is possible to make a move action either before or after making a Vital Strike attack.

It cannot be combined with any full round action, such as full attack, Spring Attack, or charge.

As an aside, you might get answers more quickly if you post in the Rules Questions part of the forum. That is why I'm flagging this thread to be moved. :)

Though oddly enough vital strike works with fly by attack so if you can fly...

Scarab Sages

There is also a Gorum specific feat in the Weapon Masters handbook that allows you to vital strike on a charge with a greatsword.

You might not fully grasp action economy which might be causing some confusion, so Cliff Notes:

Typically you have a standard action, move action, swift action (if you didn't use an immediate action the round before) and immediate action (which will cost your next turns swift action), to play mix and match with in any given round. Or you can have a full round action and 5'.

The rules allow for a single attack to "morphed" into a full attack action if you haven't moved (beyond 5') and it is a type of action that isn't explicitly called out to be a standard action on its own. This is probably the most confusing part honestly. Basically if the attack is something you could do while making a full attack action but you started off using a standard action and wanted to continue to attack, it is fair game.

However as Vital strike requires a Standard action, it and a Full round action are mutually exclusive. They cannot even be on the table together so to speak (barring exceptions, like everything). Don't even confuse yourself trying to link them in any way. For this to happen all other criteria for Full round action must be met (haven't used a movement beyond 5', haven't used the standard action or move action etc.)

A standard action can be used by you to make a single attack.

Not all attack rolls are standard actions, however.

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