Another Place Your Order problem.

Customer Service


I am also a victim to order placing bug. I've tried placing orders with three different browsers and it didn't work. I'm interested in five non-mint items in my shopping cart as long as 50% discount is still available. Can something be done with it?

With regards

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I had the same problem, after reading other post with similar issue it seems to be that there is no payment option selected with our orders when we select the option to ship with our subscriptions.

I tried going back to shipping and changed that, then went to payment to make sure there was a option showing, then went back to shipping and changed it back to With Subscription and while it removes the payment box at this point, it did allow me to place my order.

Yes, it's it! It seems that this is exactly problem with lack of payment option. When you change it to another (no matter which one) and return just before placing an order to Ship With My Subscription, it accepts whole order without problems.

Thank you very much for sensible advice!

Customer Service Representative

Hello Shockwave and Kadasbrass,

I'm glad to hear you were both able to get your orders submitted. We found that workaround at the end of the week and Katina posted it hoping folks having this issue would see it. I will see if we can get it more visible until tech team has the fix for it.

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