Halloween Pathfinder Adventure



My party has been wanting to do a halloween adventure, and this year, it looks like we may do it. I would be GMing of course. We woud have four players, of level three. It should be fairly spooky and slightly frightening. Low possibility of PC kill however. I'm thinking something to do with an old abandon mansion.

Thanks, GMFen

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The Skinsaw Murders is awesome!

The whole module might run a bit long for a one-shot, but the first and second part should do nicely for a night of spooky horror!

If you want to really ramp up the creep factor, there is a Syrinscape sound pack for this adventure, too!

Paizo Employee Developer

Skinsaw Murders certainly hits that creepy abandoned mansion aspect!

We also did this blog a couple of weeks ago that highlights some Pathfinder Society Scenarios that might be helpful. These are especially go for a single session, even if you don't play in the organized play program.

I'll third the Skinsaw Murders - I just finished the haunted house as a player a couple of weeks ago, and it was quite fantastic, definitely the creepy vibe. Be advised, though, we took three or four sessions getting through it, so if you're looking for a one-night adventure it may be a little long depending on your group's speed.

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