Asmodean Paladin legality

Pathfinder Society


Since it's not certain if there is a backlog on the additional resources at the moment or not, is there any intention of making any of Distant Shores legal for PFS?

If there is anything from Distant Shores that will be legal, two follow up questions:

1.) As it stands now, is the Pact Servant trait likely going to be legal?

2.) If Pact Servant will be legal, will the trait allow for Asmodean paladins?

I like the idea behind this character and I'm currently creating concepts for the character.

I'd like to see how far I should go in the concept phase for this character before any actual work gets done on it :)

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

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I can confirm that the Pact Servant trait will not be legal in the organized play program. Opening the door to Asmodean paladins (or even other non-lawful-evil-adjacent worshippers) is not in the campaign's interest at this time. Further development of Holomog in adventures and/or in printed books might provide us reason to revisit that stance.


Thanks for the quick response John!

I guess I'll just have to stick to Inquisitors of Asmodeus for the time being :)

Scarab Sages

While I am disappointed with that, I do understand the decision. Will it at least be legal to worship the Wily Linguist aspect of Asmodeus while respecting all the normal alignment restrictions for class and feats?

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