Hell's Rebels in 5e?

Hell's Rebels

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Is anyone running, or planning on running, this in 5e? Iron Gods had a lot of 5e interest, and I'm wondering if Hell's Rebels has anything comparable.

I haven't started converting it, yet, but I'm thinking about it, and if there's any interest from other people, I just might. Recently, I put up the Hellbred race, which seems perfect for the AP, over on my blog, as well as the Empyreal Lord warlock pact.

If there isn't any interest, I'll hold off on it until my group finishes Iron Gods, but if it's something other people would be interested in, I might just start looking at it early.

Scarab Sages

I would be interested. Currently wrapping up my 4th edition game and looking at Hells Rebels to be my next home game in 5e. I'm even going to go a step further and convert the whole AP to the Eberron setting. If there is interest I'll open a thread about that some time soon.

Dark Archive

This is might be the plan for our next campaign. We've been running Golarion in 5e and having a great old time with it, and I'm running out of time to make my own adventure paths so a canned one is due.

Looking for this for a friend.

This is probably not that helpful since I am using/modifying Hells Rebels in my Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign but it might be something, I it’s geared for a higher level party but doing the conversions wasn’t that bad. Also formatting is all over the place.

Hells Rebels 5e

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