Orthos |

So I know there have to be at least some Paizonians besides Icyshadow, Scintillae, and myself who are into this new little game that's part Earthbound, part Bullet Hell, and part gut-wrenching sucker-punch to your heart. Who's all out there, and which of us are trying to SAVE the world versus which of us are going to have a bad time?

Orthos |

The one guy in our current group bought a copy for almost everyone else he liked it so much. I restarted because I felt guilty about killing you know who...and the game knew. It was almost creepy...
Yeah it has a knack for that... something about save-logging stuff throughout your Steam Cloud (or data files if you got it off Humble Bundle or somewhere else other than Steam) so that NPCs remember things across replays.
Heck, playing it one way then playing it again another way can sometimes result in a few scenes being completely different at the end.
One character even has the ability to peek into other "timelines". And that's really the least of the creepiness. The game can get really dark for something so adorable. Especially when you start talking about things like the True Lab, Doctor W.D. Gaster, or the No-Mercy route.
In all seriousness, I've heard the game is great. Kinda curious if I would be able to get True Pacifist, though.
It's only $10 so if your problem is not straight up that your computer is falling apart then it might not be an unwelcome small splurge.
You have to play through once normally then replay again to get True Pacifist, or so I've been told.

♣♠Magic♦♥ |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

My brother's been playing it nonstop since he got it. His first run he got neutral end, second was full genocide, now he's working on true pacifist.
I haven't played personally, but I've watched enough to love it and download enough music to drastically increase my Playlist length.
I love the music and design. Apparently someone from Homestuck worked on it as well? Not sure if that's true or not.
There's some pretty major file hiding it's doing to make sure you know it knows what you've done before. It's very difficult to know the whole story without it being corrupted by previous plays.
This game is a philosophist's playground.

Orthos |

My brother's been playing it nonstop since he got it. His first run he got neutral end, second was full genocide, now he's working on true pacifist.
Oh man.
I love the music and design. Apparently someone from Homestuck worked on it as well? Not sure if that's true or not.
Yes, the entire game was made by Toby Fox, aka Radiation, who did a fair bit of Homestuck's music. Some of the art was also done by Magnolia Porter, who writes Monster Pulse.
The final boss of Genocide route even uses Megalovania as its battle music. While originally composed for an Earthbound hack, Fox used a remixed version of the song for one of Homestuck's flashes ([S] Wake).

LuniasM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Oh man. I am a huuuuuuuge fan of this game. I only just heard about it three weeks ago and after playing and beating it Undertale has become my favorite game of all time. The music is amazing, the characters are all unique and hilarious, the setting and lore is very well-writen, it ties in typical RPG tropes in mind-blowing ways that subvert the genre nicely while adding its own twist, and it makes you want to keep coming back for more.

LuniasM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

You have to play through once normally then replay again to get True Pacifist, or so I've been told.
So, this is a little hard to explain, but you are right. Even if you spare everyone the first time through you'll still get the Neutral ending - this is because the content that leads to the True Pacifist ending is locked until you beat the game once. The fastest way to get it is to spare everyone in the first run, then once you've finished the Neutral ending you reload the game and play through the unlocked content. If you did kill anything then you'll have to start over from the beginning and make sure you spare everything in order to unlock the True Pacifist content. That includes all bosses and random encounters.

LuniasM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I love the music and design. Apparently someone from Homestuck worked on it as well? Not sure if that's true or not.
As Orthos said above, Toby "Radiation" Fox (creator of the Earthbound Halloween Hack and composer of a lot of Homestuck music) developed this game. He actually started making it in Andrew Hussie's basement, according to some of his tweets.

mourge40k |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Undertale is truly magnificent. I love the game to pieces, and it's one of the best things I've played in years. It's just so well done that I can't do anything but love it.


sans. |

sans. wrote:OH MY GOD, YOU ARE JUST THE WORST. EVEN FOR A SKELETON, YOU SURE DO AN AWFUL LOT OF RIBBING.that's true, he does lack a certain sorta volume.
in fact, you might even say he's not capitalizing on the full potential of papyrus.
hey that was a pretty good one bro.
maybe you do have a funnybone.

Orthos |

Okay so. I think, aside from Genocide (Yeah yeah, I can't do it. I'll just watch people play it on YouTube. Shut up Flowey.) and fiddling with the game files to find Gaster and other stuff, I've pretty much finished all the game currently has to offer. I have a Pacifist save file post-final boss but not yet actually completed, so I can go walk around in the world and talk to people and stuff without having to reset.
I think what's managed to surprise me about the game most, now about two months after its release, is the overwhelming backlash against it.
I mean, I sort of expected some response of this kind due to how suddenly popular the game became. All the Let's-Players and music composers/performers I follow on YouTube were getting bombarded with requests to play Undertale/perform Undertale covers and remixes. And the former requests were either very aggressively "encouraging" LPers to only play Pacifist and throwing insults and complaints if they didn't (intentionally or not), or throwing fits about "let them play how they want and discover the game themselves" and getting into fights in the comments sections and such. And of course there's just the general aura of "this super-popular thing I don't understand/like/haven't experienced it for myself... I'm going to hate it because it's popular and overwhelming and everywhere!"
It's unfortunate, but all of that was pretty expected. It's just how things go when they get super-popular like this. Homestuck previously was a lot the same way, suddenly exploding into popularity well beyond its predecessor's (which is unfortunate IMO, Problem Sleuth was great fun) and suddenly being EVERYWHERE. Conventions were filled to the brim with cosplayers. DeviantArt was swarmed with associated fanart. Soundcloud and Tindeck likewise with Homestuck-inspired music. And Tumblr was just flooded with the stuff. And the backlash against this sudden popularity and overwhelming presence was pretty immediate, because it kind of came out of nowhere and was suddenly in-your-face ALL THE TIME and if you weren't interested or it wasn't your thing, it was all but impossible to escape if you used any of the associated media.
Undertale's kinda gotten the same way, and it helped the spread that the fandoms were somewhat connected, so Undertale to some extent used Homestuck's fanbase as a launching point. So it makes sense that it inherited some of its fandom problems.
No, the level of hostility I'm talking about is beyond that.
I don't really know all the details, but apparently there's a greatly negative impression of the game outside its fanbase. GameFAQs' community apparently is at the forefront of this, treating the game and its fans extremely hostilely and regularly complaining and campaigning against it.
Anybody know why there's such a hostile reception beyond the general overwhelmingness of the game's fanbase? The explanations I've seen have either been really vague or don't make much sense unless you're in rambling crazy person mode.

Green Smashomancer |

It doesnt take much to get the internet up in arms about something. The fact that the game is spreading so quickly isn't really a direct factor on it's own, but that also means it's growing a particular subset of fans that much faster. You know the ones, you mentioned them. "You HAVE to play it this way." or "Im going to tell you all about this indy game you haven't played, whether you want to hear it or not." It's honestly starting to look exactly like the MLP fanbase. Which is unfortunate, because I think Undertale kicks ass, and that MLP does not. I don't hate it myself, but I have 0 interest in it.
In short, Undertale is being shoved down people's throats when they don't want it. This is the internet. People will whine about anything, and this time, they have a bandwagon to hop on.

Orthos |

Yeah, I mentioned that thing, that kind of response doesn't surprise me at all. It's the typical "too popular" response.
It's the people saying things like "I hate the game because it promotes nonviolence" that I don't get. Seriously? It's hardly like this is the first game ever that had a pacifist route option where you literally kill no one. Maybe the first RPG, I'll potentially give it that, but not the first game ever.

Green Smashomancer |

Yeah, I mentioned that thing, that kind of response doesn't surprise me at all. It's the typical "too popular" response.
It's the people saying things like "I hate the game because it promotes nonviolence" that I don't get. Seriously? It's hardly like this is the first game ever that had a pacifist route option where you literally kill no one. Maybe the first RPG, I'll potentially give it that, but not the first game ever.
I haven't heard anyone say that. where are you hearing it? Reddit doesn't count as I'm convinced it isn't populated by actual human beings. Those have compassion.
I will say that I don't think it was a good long-term design decision to

Orthos |

Orthos wrote:I haven't heard anyone say that. where are you hearing it? Reddit doesn't count as I'm convinced it isn't populated by actual human beings. Those have compassion.Yeah, I mentioned that thing, that kind of response doesn't surprise me at all. It's the typical "too popular" response.
It's the people saying things like "I hate the game because it promotes nonviolence" that I don't get. Seriously? It's hardly like this is the first game ever that had a pacifist route option where you literally kill no one. Maybe the first RPG, I'll potentially give it that, but not the first game ever.
Mostly GameFAQs it looks like. They seem to really have a hateon for the game for some reason.

Scythia |

I just got this.
Maybe my expectations were a bit high from hearing everyone talk about how amazing it was, but so far I'm underwhelmed. It's got a retro visual style, and the heart box combat is different, but I feel like I must be missing something.
The quirky characters and humour are fun, and the use of communication as an alternative to combat is something I haven't seen in awhile, but I'm not seeing what elevates this from a creative game to the near religious experience it's seemed for people.