PathlessBeth |
So, as of this writing, it appears that a large portion of Purple Duck Games' Pathfinder products are marked down between 20% and 30% in the OBS store. The price reductions are not currently mirrored in the Paizo store. I can't find any announcement about this sale, or how long it will last. Anyone know anything about it?

sepik121 |

It got sent out in an email. Here lemme copy and paste it for ya:
This is the Thanksgiving weekend up here in Canada. Normally, I would be in Great Falls, Montana for the Great Falls Gaming Rendezvous 2015 @ the Townhouse Inn as an attending pro. However, I broke my shoulder so I don't get to go this year and show off my cool know Purple Duck Games and Porphyra banners nor share copies of the Lands of Porphyra Campaign Setting with people. Perry (my primary editor) was able to go and he is running some game demoes for Purple Duck Games.
Instead I'm at home doing the Thanksgiving Meal along with my wife, her parents, my dad and his finance. So it sounds like a good time for a sale.
From right now until I wake up on Tuesday morning the 14th of October all Purple Duck Games products are 28% off at Rpgnow.