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Here's the basic premise. My character is some kind of forensic scientist that specializes in identifying the effects of transmutation magic. With this, he combats whichever crime his employer wants him to fight, like forgery and counterfeiting or human trafficking and magic-assisted manslaughter.
He will have moderately high Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft and (probably) Use Magic Item, but (probably) no access to arcane or divine spells. I want the character to seem like a defender of the people from the big-bad wizards and druids. I'm imagining him doing autopsies and having a mobile lab. That way, if I make a good or a bad roll, I can blame it on the working conditions. That's easier on the roleplaying and the flavour.
What class would be advised for such a concept? Are there interesting, flavorful feats to key off of this? Traits? Race is probably human or skinwalker or something along those lines.
It's set in a campaign where it's not yet known that other worlds exist, so I would preferably have low Knowledge (Planes) at the start of the game.

Justin Carothers 853 |
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/investigator/archetypes/paiz o-investigator-archetypes/forensic-physician-investigator-archetype/
I'm sure it's way too late, but there is a investigator archetype that seems tailor made for what you were asking for. Maybe multiclass with something that gives you access with speak to dead. But other than that I think you're good to go.