Custom Sandpoint (GM Reference)

Rise of the Runelords

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Hello Paizo and Pathfinder community. First I will cover what this thread is; I DMed most the Rise of the Runelords setting and after running it determined that I would create my own campaign using much of the same world.

That being said I have been creating my version of Sandpoint and much of the work I have done can me added to or used in your own ROTRL game.

I work within a program called Realm Works which is AMAZING if anyone hasn't seen it.

Without further rambling ill post just one of the buildings I have created content for.


Located more over the water of Sanpoint Harbor then on dry land at the end of Water Street

Hours of Operation: The Hagfish is only open in the evenings.

Owner: Jargie Quinn "Slim" known as slim among the sailors.

Exterior Atmosphere: As you near the Hagfish you are a bit more exposed to the sea wind. The air is salty and often contains tiny droplets of ocean water that turned to mist as a large wave crashed just outside the harbor. An aroma of cooked fish, crab and chowder clouds the air and the constant creaking and groaning of the large timber dock the Hagfish was built upon is present.

Building: From the outside it looks rough, and like it would be better suited for sailors then common folk. The timber that makes up most of the building is weather checked and resembles drift wood found on the beach. But through the windows you can see its well lit, and appears to be a merry time. As you walk on the dock you can feel it shift slightly from side to as the tide waxes and wains against the footings. You could get sea sick just visiting this pub if your not accustom to it. A medium sized fishing boat is docked at the end of the building and a few large burly men are hoisting nets full of crabs from the boat to be brought inside. A sign that reads The Hag Fish sways and sqeeks ominously in the sea breeze.

Interior: As you enter the tavern through the heavily used metal door, you're welcomed by amazing, but unknown sea food scents and the smile of a waitress. The bartender is busy, but still manages to welcome you with an AHOY!. Its as sea worn inside as it is on the outside, the floor has been worn smooth by the tramp of feed not unlike the weathered wood of the sea. Puddles of water collect here and there as some of the patrons just came from the sea. The entry way is covered with loose dirt and a large bristled brush lay on a bench for you to scrape the dirt from your boots before proceeding further. No chandeliers are present. The room is lit by the use of candles on every table, with the exception of the large tables in the middle of the tavern having oil lamps upon them. The walls are decorated with fishing equipment and sea creatures that have been preserved. The bar is plain but well stocked, with a large fish tank behind it. The tank is a murky green color. You have heard from the locals this place is famous for its many kinds of chowder and of course the Hag Fish Challenge.

Interior: The tavern itself is packed, Passing sailors and traders seem to be the primary clientele here, which is probably the best clientele for the onwer. Sceveral long tables occupied by groups of people are centered in the room. The other smaller tables are also occupied by people who seem to be strangers to each other, all sitting here because there are no other seats, though they all clearly enjoy each other's company. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.

Interior Corner (encounter): Its not until the door from the kitchen swings open illuminating the room with light temporarily that you notice a table in the corner with two men sitting at it leaning towards each other. One man speaking in a voice to low to hear and gesturing with his hands while a pipe bounces about on his lips. The other mans eyes grow wide, and he leans back and takes a long drag from his own pipe before rubbing his heavily stumbled chin. The light fades and all you can see of the men sitting at the unlit table is their shadowy faces illuminate occasionally when the red in their pipe flares from a deep drag.

Conversation: A Slightly heavier set busty waitress with blonde hair that falls in loose curls around her round face hurry’s to your table and says “What’all yall be having tis eve-nin” She wears a Dark Red Corset that highlights her voluptuous figure. The corset looks too fine a make for a barmaid. Before you can respond a man behind her turns from on his stool and slaps (smack hand once), her large round ass declaring “another Rum Rosie”, then returns his attention to his table. She half laughs and half squeals then clears her thought and looks expectantly at you.

"The special tonight is: Claim Chowder, Snapping Turtle Chowder, Lobster Chowder, or our famous Kraken Chowder (not actually Kraken of course)"

"I will make sure to take real good care of you, *winks at a PC* then turns and walks to the Bar/Kitchen"

Waitress Interaction: Rosie places the drinks, one of the drinks spills into PC's lap, she quickly pulls a towl from her appron drops to one knee and starts rubbing your lap dry. With one final pat she stands and says "Oops, sorry sailor, with a giggle" then turns on her heel as she winks at you and leaves your table"

Waitress Intercation as they leave: *Rosie get in close proximity and touches your chest and sleeves*,Leavin so soon sailor? I thought maybe you might want to make port somewhere.

Menu: Chowder of all kinds is the specialty, Kraken Chowder: is a clam chowder base, with a whole Octopus all seasoned to an alarming heat level. "Can you survive the Kraken"

Menu: Fresh Daily Catch, Crab and several types of Oysters- Raw, Open Roasted, Closed Roasted or Rum Boiled.

Drinks: The Hagfish serves Rum almost exclusively, except for a single blonde ale. The house Brew Red Volley Rum is a favorite

Story: One of Sandpoints most popular tavern, especially among the fishermen, Its also the best place to get a good old-fashion seafood meal or try to survive the Kraken.

Waitress Observation: If anyone was to watch the waitress closely, they would see she often stands with her thigh touching the patrons, or has a hand on a mans shoulders and even occasionally runs her hands through a patrons hair as she departs from their tables. The regulars seem to know her well and she them, as they playfully flirt back and forth.

Hagish Challenge: The tavern is famous for the Hagfish Challenge, The fish was has been given the name of Norah, As a hagfish it dirtys its tank to a level compared to bile. Anyone who wants to attempt the challenge simply pays a silver, and if they can drink a pint of Norah's tank water they get the pot of coins and the right to carve their name upon the wooden beam above Norah's tank. Only approximately thirty names have been carved into the beam and the Hagfish has had this challenge for decades.

Pain Challenge: Two competitors both places their hands in buckets of live crabs while swirling it in circles slowly. The competitor to keep his hand in the longest is the winner of the challenge.

Men in Corner: If the PC's are able to creep nearer, or find a way to eavesdrop they will garner information about the ghost ship that roams the seas. (just playing groundwork for different encounter)


Rosie: A heavier set busty woman. She flirts with the men in the tavern and it seems to be earning her some decent tips as she holds a permanent residence at the White Deer the nicest Inn in town. She has a tattoo of a Kraken that covers her pelvis region and down her thighs the mouth of the Kraken being strategically places and she likes to ask men before the plung,,, Lets see if you can survive the Kraken.

Jargie Quinn: Owner of the Hag Fish, is a retired sailor. He is a stout man broad in the chest with a large belly. His forearms are laces with thin powerful muscles from years of working with his hands on the ship. Hes average looking and keeps a fairly tidy beard. The most notable thing about the man is his wooden leg, that clunks obviously as he strolls through his tarvern.

Fisherman: Jarqie or Slim as they call him has many connections with the Fisherman that make port in Sandpoint, both from his years of sailing and now through ownership of the most popular tavern in Sandpoint.

Turch Sterglus: Jarqie has an agreement with the fishmarket owner that he gets to handpick his daily octopus before any are sold to the locals.


Rumor: Jargie Quinn claims to have lost his leg to a Kraken attack that he survived, its when he choose to retire as the sea itself had eaten him and spat him back out. Quinn refuses to travel by sea to this day stating that the Kraken got a taste of him and he would bring it upon any ship he travels on. The truth is his he was drunk on his own Rum and crashed his vessle into a fog covered reef, his leg was cut badly in the wreckage and he lost it due to gang green. He later bartered passage off the reef surrounded island from a The Pirate Crew "The Red Raiders" that makes birth there. Rosie knows this, and could share if she was romantic with someone.

Debt Owed: He owes the pirate crew a life debt, and occasionally it gets called up in various ways. More often then not just a shipment of his finest rum falls overboard on its way to another port. The pirates are known as "The Red Raiders". They fly a solid dark red flag, and wear red sashes or bananas.

Public Records related to the Hagfish

Record The Hagfish: A new Inn and Tavern The Hagfish was presented for consideration some years ago. The Tavern was approved but it was denied as an Inn due to the location proposed. The Hagfish was proposed to be built on a dock that would extend into the Sandpoint Harbor and water rights were obtained. The Hagfish has rented water rights for the next fifty years. A provision to allow gambling was submitted and denied due to the proximity to the port. Owner Jargie Quinn has since submitted an appeal to allow gambling, along with extra restrictions to ensure the port would not be comprised by the games. A decision is pending.

Well now that you have read my wall of text, if anyone else has created similar style information for other Town's buildings or NPC's within Varsiria. You should share with the community.

Thanks much

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