Chromnos |
So my question is this --
1. You're a Holy Vindicator
2. You channel smite an undead creature with a positive energy Bloodfire.
What happens?
Sure, you get the +1d6 damage. But I'm a bit murky on the rest. Under the Undead entry it notes that these creatures are immune to disease. So would this reasonably include the sickened condition? It also notes that undead are immune to effects that require fortitude saves unless specifically noted. But since channel energy keys off Will, they wouldn't be immune for that reason.
Also, I noticed that undead are listed as immune to death effects. But no specific mention of bleed unless I missed it. Is Bleed considered a death effect? If not, am I right in saying that undead can be made to Bleed?
It would be interesting if these effects did somehow work. It would almost be as if the Bloodfire imparted temporary life-like characteristics to Undead creatures -- a transition back toward a life-like state that is particularly and oddly painful and sickening.

Chromnos |
My confusion was probably due to the fact that this entry -- http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/creature-types#TOC-Unde ad isn't the same as this entry -- http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead
I was reading #2 which did not have a specific reference to bleed. My hunch is that it's related to a death effect. #2 also had no specific reference to sickened, but it was reasonable to assume that was fortitude related.
Stumbled upon entry 2 as you guys were clarifying. So thanks for this.