Seven Days to the Graph Part 4: Pestilence Part Missing

Curse of the Crimson Throne

Hey all,

So for part 4 in seven days to the grave (Pestilence) it states there are 6 things for the PCs to do to help fight the disease in Korvosa. However, in my copy of the AP, there are only five things....

Furthermore, on the maps it includes a map of "Graveyard" and "Guard Post" but they don't appear to actually be used.

Am I missing something here? I tried to look for answers on the internet, but didn't have any luck

Thanks in advance!

The sixth encounter could be referring to the opportunity for an additional encounter (or two) found in the sidebar on page 44.

One of those encounters on page 44, "Burn Up the Dead", refers directly to the Graveyard map on page 24; and the other encounter, "The Merciless Way Massacre", refers the Alleyway map, but it really makes more sense with the "Guardpost" map.

I bet the names of the maps were changed late in production and, oh well, mistakes were made as the editors were already busy working on "Escape from Old Korvosa".

I'll even wager the original six encounters were "The Hungry Dead", "The Color of Death", "Plague Rats", "Burn Up the Dead", "The Merciless Way Massacre", and "Carowyn Manor"; but during the editing process it was decided there wasn't enough room for all of them to be treated fully so two had to be dropped. I leave out "The Wreck of the Direption" because that is the one encounter that directly exposes who is behind the plague. The rest are just fun plague stuff.

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