Iconic Allies

Homebrew and House Rules

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So seeing the other thread got me to stop futzing around with this idea in my head and actually put fingers to keyboards.

This is a combination of two thoughts that have been ruminating in my head for a while. The first is that some of the characters in each AP stay in the box because I just don't have the spots for them at the table and there are other characters I like playing much better (see every version of Harsk in existence). The second is that in play Allies often seem like Blessings-lite, and one of the cool ways that they get set apart is the ability to have additional effects when they grant an extra explore.

Thus the Iconic Ally idea was born!

One ally is provided for each of the iconic characters currently printed. Each of them is an AD3 ally with one ability: "Discard this card to explore your location" with the text under the card modifying how it works. (The one exception is the Hunter Adowyn, whose entire ability is listed below since it doesn't modify the same as the others.) When you add AD3 to the box, only add in the Iconic Allies that come in that AP but are not being played. (For example, if you were playing Wrath of the Righteous with Enora, Alain, Adowyn and Seelah, you would add Crowe, Kyra, Imrijka, Harsk, Shardra, Seoni, and Balazar.) Each of these allies has a Charisma/Diplomacy 10 check, along with another skill to be used flavorful to the character. (Yet to be determined)

(Wording is not perfect - this is me nailing down the effects I want.)

Discard this card to explore your location…
Alchemist - Damiel
If you encounter a boon, you may encounter a random item with the alchemical trait instead.

Arcanist - Enora
If you encounter a boon, you may encounter a random item with the book trait instead.

Barbarian - Amiri
Add 1d12 to a noncombat Strength check during the exploration.

Bard - Lem
Add 1d6 to checks that other characters make during this exploration.

Bloodrager - Crowe
Add 1d4 and the Electricity trait to combat checks during this exploration. Reduce any Electricity damage dealt to you to 0 during this exploration.

Cavalier - Alain
If you are the only person at your location, add 1d4 to your checks.

Cleric - Kyra
If you acquire a blessing during your exploration, you may recharge a card from your discard pile.

Druid - Lini
If you encounter a boon, you may encounter a random ally with the animal trait instead.

Fighter - Valeros
If you would discard a weapon for its power during this exploration, you may recharge it instead.

Gunslinger - Lirianne
If you play a weapon on a check during this exploration, you may add 1d8 to that check. If you do, after the check, roll a d6. On a 1, bury that weapon.

Hunter - Adowyn
*Examine the top card of your location deck. You may explore it.

Inquisitor - Imrijka
If you defeat a monster during this exploration, roll a d6. On a 1 or a 2, you may explore again.

Magus - Seltyiel
You may recharge a weapon and a spell to add 2d8 to a combat check during this exploration.

Monk - Sajan
Recharge the first blessing you play during this exploration.

Oracle - Alahazra
If you recharge another card, you may explore another location instead.

Paladin - Seelah
Reduce all damage you would be dealt during this exploration by 1.

Ranger - Harsk
Add 1d4 to any Ranged check you make during this exploration.

Rogue - Merisiel
You may evade the encounter.

Shaman - Shardra
Add 1d8 to your Knowledge checks during the encounter.

Sorcerer - Seoni
For your first combat check during this exploration, you may roll Charisma or Arcane skill + 2d6.

Summoner - Balazar
If you encounter a monster during this exploration, draw a random monster from the box. If its adventure deck number is greater than or equal to the monster you encountered, add 1d6 to your checks to defeat.

Swashbuckler - Jirelle
Your checks during the encounter have the Swashbuckling trait. You may reroll 1 die during the encounter.

Warpriest - Oloch
During this exploration, you may display a weapon or blessing from your hand to add 1 to your check. At the end of your turn before you reset your hand, return any cards displayed this way to your hand.

Witch - Feiya
Reduce the check to defeat any bane during this exploration by 3.

Wizard - Ezren
Add 1d6 to your Arcane checks during this exploration.

Grand Lodge

I've been toying with these as well but as veteran allies so they become better as you do.

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
I've been toying with these as well but as veteran allies so they become better as you do.

That would be neat. Taking a cue from WotR, you could even have powers that depended on you have a role card. Or even have them be cohorts.

Grand Lodge

Agreed. I need to clear a couple other projects off my plate before I return to these.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yeah, the problem with making them veteran is that they're already AD3 allies, so either they all have numerical scaling effects, which prevents me from doing stuff like Alahazra and Adowyn, or I make them all increase at AD5 - which I could do, but it feels kinda clunky and it takes some of the focus away from the Cohorts in WotR.

Besides, I need them to start at AD3 so I had some power that I could play with. Scaling up from AD3 is a little weird and unnecessary.

That being said, if you were making them as more traditional allies with two abilities, I could totally see that working.

Grand Lodge

I am. They have 2-3 powers with some using the veteran enhancement.

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