Dervish dance and 2 weapon fighting?

Rules Questions

Can say a monk have dervish dancing and two wepon fighting use a scimitar in one hand and use the off hand as an unarmed strike? Basically fighting with 2 weapons?

Sorry, if he muticlassed with a class that gave him scimitar as a weapon prof, just to clear

Dervish Dance wrote:
When wielding a scimitar with one hand, you can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on melee attack and damage rolls. You treat the scimitar as a one-handed piercing weapon for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon (such as a duelist’s precise strike ability). The scimitar must be for a creature of your size. You cannot use this feat if you are carrying a weapon or shield in your off hand.

Yeah, I don't see why not. Your off hand is free and not carrying a weapon or shield.

Grand Lodge

take a dip in cleric of sarenrae and feat crusader's flurry:
you can flurry of blow with your scimitar and have full dervish bonus on each strike.

And this discussion is why paizo got all paranoid, and went to a VERY large extent to make sure people couldn't TWF with slashing grace.

Well, this and the more insane people that tried to argue that dervish dance covered the unarmed strike too.

Scarab Sages

Yep. And thank to the slashing grace errata, you can expect some GMs to likewise ban any kind of TWF with Dervish Dance, because while it is not forbidden by RAW, the clear intent is that it was meant to be.

Sovereign Court

Dervish Dance isn't supposed to reward tricky-thinking two-weapon fighters.

Grand Lodge

Fencing Grace works fine with two-weapon fighting.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Fencing Grace works fine with two-weapon fighting.

It is meant to be painful, since 1 handed weapons, thus -4 total for TWF

Whether it works that way or not... well...they eventually got REALLY paranoid to avoid TWF with slashing grace for reasons.

Grand Lodge

Effortless Lace?

I thought it was easier and saved you a feat if you just get an agile weapon instead?

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Effortless Lace?

As I said....they eventually got REALLY paranoid to avoid TWF with slashing grace for reasons. I suppose I was being a bit coy though.

Nox Aeterna wrote:
I thought it was easier and saved you a feat if you just get an agile weapon instead?

Depends on what you are going with.

With a swashbuckler running with 1 weapon 1 handed? Yeah, agile is a perfectly valid choice, and it fits more easily into the typical keen/improved critical schools of thought.

For is painful, since you already have to split your budget between two weapons, and this adds another +1 that isn't going to attack bonus (and only adds to damage bonus in a way that str does natively).

At the same time...TWF is supposed to be costly. It has a lot of damage potential depending on the build. Still, people try to avoid costs, and that is why you have the more insane people on other threads trying to argue that dervish dance applies to unarmed strikes as well.

Scarab Sages

Nox Aeterna wrote:
I thought it was easier and saved you a feat if you just get an agile weapon instead?

You can get Dervish Dance at 3rd level, and depending on build, you can get slashing grace or fencing grace at first level. Rogues get Dex to Damage for free at 3rd level. Th earliest you are going to be getting an agile weapon is 5th level, more realistically 6th or 7th. That is a long time to wait for the ability to do decent damage for a dex build if you have to actually play up to that level. Even longer if you are two weapon fighting.

It's also limiting to have your core damage mechanic vulnerable to disarm/sunder/theft. Losing keen hurts, but not that much. Losing the static damage boost from dex hurts much more.

Depending on the build, you might not be that desperate for dex to damage taht early.

But eh, swashbucklers scurry away like vampires from crosses when you say the words 'power attack' and '14 str'. It is a legitimate way to play it though, and you can certainly get the right stats together with it.

it was the way to play it before all the various dex to damage feats came about.

Hum ic , so it is a cost thing.

Well i agree that it is expensive , heh i can see why people are trying to get around the nothing on the off-hand issue.

I wish these feats allowed you to fight with both hands on the weapon and gave you the 1,5 modifier , then there would be no issue and all this get around it.

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