Classic Viking


Liberty's Edge

What class would be best suited for creating a literary viking? Do the archtypes that sound like they should work do the job(Skald being one)?

Shar Tahl wrote:
What class would be best suited for creating a literary viking? Do the archtypes that sound like they should work do the job(Skald being one)?

You've got three classic Viking archtypes. A Harald Hardrata axeman is just your normal 2-hander Fighter with a Greataxe, you can spinkle in Endurance, profession:sailor and the Fleet feat (I think that's the right one to increase movement)

The second is the standard 'sword and board' fighter or ranger. Med armor with the shield combat feats. Axe or Longsoword for primary hand, spiked shield for the off. Add profession sailor, etc for flavor and flexibility.

Then you have your Viking shield wall. The Fighter Formation/Phalanx fighter will let you use a Longspear and shield at the same time and simulate the shield wall. Sprinkle in some teamwork feats for flavor as well as the standard profession and swim skills.

Silver Crusade Contributor

You'll probably want to take a look at this. ^_^

There's the stereotypical barbarian builds, too. Useful for berserkers. Especially useful if you want a spare skill point for Profession (sailor) to handle that longship. (Remember, it's not how long your ship is that matters, it's ... wait ... )

A skald looks good too. Someone has to write those sagas, and it may as well be you.

Of course now I'm trying to imagine the wrong ways of doing things. After all, the swashbuckler class stuff just says light and onehanded piercing weapons. Spears (edit: shortspears) are onehanders, and shortswords are light ...

Qaianna wrote:

There's the stereotypical barbarian builds, too. Useful for berserkers. Especially useful if you want a spare skill point for Profession (sailor) to handle that longship. (Remember, it's not how long your ship is that matters, it's ... wait ... )

A skald looks good too. Someone has to write those sagas, and it may as well be you.

Of course now I'm trying to imagine the wrong ways of doing things. After all, the swashbuckler class stuff just says light and onehanded piercing weapons. Spears (edit: shortspears) are onehanders, and shortswords are light ...

Slashing Grace on a battleaxe?

My Self wrote:
Qaianna wrote:

There's the stereotypical barbarian builds, too. Useful for berserkers. Especially useful if you want a spare skill point for Profession (sailor) to handle that longship. (Remember, it's not how long your ship is that matters, it's ... wait ... )

A skald looks good too. Someone has to write those sagas, and it may as well be you.

Of course now I'm trying to imagine the wrong ways of doing things. After all, the swashbuckler class stuff just says light and onehanded piercing weapons. Spears (edit: shortspears) are onehanders, and shortswords are light ...

Slashing Grace on a battleaxe?

Now I want this on a dwarven waraxe for pure 'WRONG!' value.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Qaianna wrote:
My Self wrote:
Qaianna wrote:

There's the stereotypical barbarian builds, too. Useful for berserkers. Especially useful if you want a spare skill point for Profession (sailor) to handle that longship. (Remember, it's not how long your ship is that matters, it's ... wait ... )

A skald looks good too. Someone has to write those sagas, and it may as well be you.

Of course now I'm trying to imagine the wrong ways of doing things. After all, the swashbuckler class stuff just says light and onehanded piercing weapons. Spears (edit: shortspears) are onehanders, and shortswords are light ...

Slashing Grace on a battleaxe?
Now I want this on a dwarven waraxe for pure 'WRONG!' value.

I almost feel like Effortless Lace could make this so much better, but I'm not sure.

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