Motteditor's Kingmaker campaign (Inactive)

Game Master motteditor

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RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I'm looking to add two or three players to an ongoing Kingmaker campaign. We're actually just about done with the first module, Stolen Lands, and we'll move on from there to hopefully eventually get the whole Adventure Path finished.

I'm looking for players who will post 5-10 times a week. I find the more the players post, the more I will, and it's more fun for everyone. I certainly understand if you have to miss a day or two here or there, but I will replace people who miss too much time. I'll also appreciate notes ahead of time if you know you're going to be away from your computer.

The current characters are a human witch, human cleric and half-elf ranger.

Character creation:
25-point buy, 3rd level, 3,000 gp starting funds

Races: Core, plus kobold (you would be a member of a tribe in the Stolen Lands that the party has befriended). You can pitch other races, but they'll have to have an awfully good story to get picked. For the kobold, I'm willing to retcon mechanics once the Advanced Race Guide comes out.

Classes: Anything from the core rulebook, APG and UM. I'll consider UC classes, but again they'd have to have a good story for why they're in the area. Archetypes are fine.

Traits: You can pick one; I'll assign the second based on your character's background.

I'm more interested in concept at this point than mechanics: Your background, motivations and personality, and what role you see yourself playing in combat and among your fellow PCs, how/why you're in the Stolen Lands.

I'm hoping to make my picks within the week, though I'll need to figure out the best way to integrate you into the campaign -- don't be surprised if I end up asking people to link back stories or possibly tweak minor details.

dotting for interest, more to come after i get to work...

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

A kobold? I relish the idea of a kobold sorcerer or bard. I think I'll give it a go if you don't mind.

Okay, here goes:

Kereek Kereek is an opportunist. He sees himself as destined for greatness, as evidenced by his crimson sheen and magical powers. He has seen the mighty dragons fly over in the distance and felt their allure. He knows that he has such potential in himself, but he need only find a way to unlock it. Enter the PCs: they are everything that he wants to be, commanding, powerful. And they're going to need a court wizard, a mighty kobold who can wield the very magic of the universe. And if that kobold is Kereek, so much the better for everyone!

I would think Kereek would be an advisor/court wizard role. He's small, scrappy but clever in only the ways that a kobold could be. He's charming when he tries and sneaky when he doesn't, able to slip into and out of dark places, the better to know what's really going on. In a pinch he could be a second-rate spymaster, since who would suspect the lowly kobold of being a spy?



I have an idea for a dual-cursed battle oracle I've been wanting to trot out.


Justine Arodel was born to serve Iomedae in battle. It was known from the very beginning. How else could an infant with cloudy white eyes and supernatural haunts have managed to survive in such a small community as Winter's Hollow? Born the daughter of the owners of the only inn in town, Justine's birth was heralded by a visitation of a shimmering figure - a woman in shining breastplate and carrying a radiant sword. The form spoke only 3 words: "Guard my trust".

Throughout Justine's life, she has been the victim of whispers - both the unnatural voices that follow her everywhere, and those of her peers who cannot abide the fact that someone as obviously cursed as her would enjoy a goddess' favor. Not that she saw it as a favor, not really. She worked hard, trained hard, adn drove herself to be the epitome of what she saw a champion of Iomedae to be. Strong in body and in mental acuity, she gave herself over to the studies of the arts martial.

When her older sister was taken by drunken mercenaries, it was twelve year old Justine that forced them to release her...with a frying pan. When the halfling thief raided the homes of Winter's Hollow, it was Justine that caught him and forced him to return the goods to their owners, and serve time in the community as recompense. And when the robber chief Corazon threatened her father with a glowing red poker, Justine grabbed up her practice sword and ran the villain through.

At the age of 17, Justine felt Iomedae calling her out to go into the wider world an serve her will. Saying goodbye to her parents, she strapped everything she owned to an old pack and headed out. Her skills with weapons and the gifts given her by Iomedae served her well in her initial encounters. Now,it seemed as if there was something more the goddess had planned for her life...

I can have the rest (motivations, future goals, mechanics within the party, etc.) worked out for you by this evening.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Please feel free, James. I've had a lot of fun with the kobolds so far (the campaign info section under the NPCs has links to the first appearance of Mikmek; though I just realized needs to be updated with some of the later named tribe members; you can find them on page 28 and 29).

Anyone can feel free to look over the NPCs for their first introduction (or any of the rest of the game thread, obviously).

Dark Archive

I can mod Bandon to 3rd and re-equip accordingly. I am going to change background as well. Bandon is a Chelaxian fighter aspiring to be a Hellknight (haven't decided on his order yet.) Bringing law and order to any fledgling kingdom is always a great goal for an aspiring Hellknight.

wow, you've gone through a lot MIA players.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Yeah, Azure, not quote sure why, since I think we've got a pretty good group (and I don't think it's me!). The first bunch -- including the DM who started the first recruitment and then never picked players (I ended up taking over for him) and the person who he started the recruitment for -- basically quit before I even got started! We've been a little cursed for whatever reason, but have kept on going strong.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

Updated my post above with a simple sketch of Kereek, kobold sorcerer.

core races only, no aasimars, tieflings, or changelings?

I tend to randomise what my characters are, and follow a rule of playing races that have 50% or more human blood.

Example of char Gen

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I'm not definitely saying no aasimars, tieflings or changelings, just that I have a slight predisposition against them. If everyone else has a 50-50 chance, for example, they'd probably start with a 40-60. That said, I won't toss them if out of hand, so if you give me a character I really like that's one of those races, I'll pick it.

(I'll also probably ask the remaining players to weigh in, so if they all like someone who's one of those, that'll factor into my decision as well.)

Interested yep I is, all ready tried for one of your games and missed out :( so would love to try again. thinking of an Elf Monk / summoner (Synthesist), or Fighter/summoner may be of use. Just think about which to do.

Azran Ell

Dotting for interest!

I have a Paladin concept I'm working on that might work. It's still very much in progress but I'll try to flesh him out in the next day or two.

Basically he'll be a Surtova, probably a first cousin to the King, who was raised as a ward of House Orlovsky. Now that he is of age he feels the need to prove himself to House Surtova.

Well this character was in a game that died a slow death.

Human cleric, see the profile for all the crunch. If selected, will need to update the character sheet for equipment, attributes, traits, and her deity.

This cleric is theocratically flexible and would be willing to adopt any of the following deities and domains to fit the campaign:

Desna (too popular?) with luck/travel
Abadar with nobility/travel - makes for a good reason why she is coming to the new kingdom now.
Calistra with luck/trickery for a bit more fun as she works to further the aims of her deity.
Both Kurgess and Sinashakti were identified because they have luck/travel as domains and a back story could be worked for either.
I would probably have to flip a couple of coins to make a decision, so I am up for suggestions and input from the existing players.

In any case, Ijen has heard of the writs offered and has traveled to make a name for her god in reclaiming the Stolen Lands. Her goals are to expand and build temples for her god.

As a redhead, she is prone to being temperamental. Her usual response to those that irk her involves use of her sharp wit and tongue, often enjoying tongue twisting with bards for practice. Not afraid to get her hands dirty, she stands for her own beliefs and bugger those that oppose her.

Dal Selpher wrote:
Dotting for interest!

nice to see you here,

should we show them something interesting?
and show resourcefulness and creativity?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Ijen, just FYI, I'm not likely to pick a cleric, as we already have one in the group. Inquisitor's a possibility, though, if you wanted to go in that direction instead.

(And with that, I'm off to see the Avengers. Looking forward to checking out the thread when I get back.)

Here's a character concept I've created for another kingmaker game as a replacement. All the information is contained in the profile. Ignore the stats for now, as they're currently adjusted for a 2nd level character. I'll get around to editing them soon. Let me know how you feel about the application and let me know what you think should be tweaked.

Also, I can easily change this character into a druid if that's something you'd rather have in the campaign.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

Kereek Stats:

Kereek Sharpeye
N Kobold Male Sorcerer (draconic: red) 3
Init +3; Senses Perception +8; darkvision 120 ft
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+4 armor, +3 dex, +2 natural, +1 size)
hp x (3d6+3+3FC)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4
Spd 30'
Melee +1 claws (1d3-1)
Ranged +6 mwk darkwood light crossbow (1d6)
Space 5'; Reach 5'
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 16
BAB +1; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats (2) eschew materials*, combat casting (+12 total), deepsight
Skills (3 skills) Know (Arcana) +7, Perception +8, Stealth +13
Spells/Day (-/6, DC 13+level)
0th level (5): acid splash, detect magic, daze, spark, disrupt undead
1st level (3): mage armor*, burning hands, color spray, forced quiet
Special Abilities: resist fire 5, claws 6 rounds,
Traits: desperate focus
Language: Draconic, Common
Possessions (3,000 gp) ring of arcane signets (1,000 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 gp), masterwork darkwood light crossbow (375 gp), 20 bolts (2 gp), pathfinder's kit (22 gp), dragonhide mantle (390 gp), 4 potions of CLW, assorted shiny stones

Stat Math:
Str 8 (2 points -4 racial)
Dex 16 (5 points +2 racial)
Con 12 (5 points -2 racial)
Int 13 (3 points)
Wis 10 (0 points)
Cha 16 (10 points)

In case you'd like to see what a kobold sorcerer looks like all-statted up, here is Kereek!

Assault+Skill4d100 ⇒ (75, 19, 58, 68) = 220*Barbarian,Fighter,Monk,Ranger,
Div+Arc4d100 ⇒ (89, 71, 1, 54) = 215*Bard,Oracle,Paladin,Sorcerer

Class?2d100 ⇒ (83, 20) = 103*Barbarian/Bard

Race2d100 ⇒ (96, 47) = 143*Aasimar,Tiefling,
Race3d100 ⇒ (73, 56, 27) = 156*Changeling,Half-elf,Human,

Race2d100 ⇒ (74, 48) = 122*Aasimar/Changeling

Result: Aasimar Barbarian.

now to find archetypes.

Presenting Singiz:

Singiz Uuluamatur
NG Human (Tian-La) Male Fighter 2/Rogue 1
Init +5; Senses Perception +4;
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 armour, +1 shield, +3 Dex, +1 Dodge)
hp x (2d10+3+1d6+3)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +0
Spd 30'
Melee : +6 Mwk scimitar (1d6+3, 18/20 x 2)
Ranged +6 mwk composite shortbow(+3) (1d6+3, x3)
Space 5'; Reach 5'
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
BAB +2; CMB +5; CMD 18
Feats: Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (shortbow), Dodge
Skills: Craft (leatherworking) +4 (+3 class, +1 rank), Escape artist +7 (+3 class, +3 Dex, +1 rank), Handle animal +1 (+1 rank), Linguistics +4 (+3 class, +1 rank), Perception +4 (+3 class, +1 rank), Perform (dance) +4, (+3 class, +1 rank), Ride +8 (+3 Dex, +3 class, +2 rank), Sense Motive +4 (+3 class, +1 rank), Survival +8 (+3 class, +2 rank), Bluff +4 (+3 class, +1 Rank)
Special Abilities: trapfinding, sneak attack +1d6 , bravery +1
Traits: Reactionary
Language: Hon-La, Common, Tian
Possessions (3,000 gp) Light horse (combat trained) plus saddle/saddlebags (134gp), Mwk scimitar (315gp), Mwk composite shortbow (+3 mod) (630gp), +1 studded leather armour (1025 gp), light wooden shield, 1 x potion of CMW (750 gp), 2 x potions of CLW (100gp), waterskin, 50 ft of silk rope, flint & tinder.
Stat Math:
Str 16 (10 points)
Dex 16 (10 points)
Con 16 (5 points, +2 racial mod.)
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 10

For many years a mercenary and caravan guard around the Northern steppes of Tian Xia, Singiz recently got hopelessly lost escorting a caravan over the Crown of the World, and has since wandered around the north of Avistan trying to find a way to a) keep himself fed and b) eventually get back home (he would never admit to anyone that he got lost, though). He is not terribly bright or hygenic and prefers talking to his horse or weapons to interacting with other sentient beings, but is loyal and good-hearted, with plenty of sound common sense and a strong sword-arm to back it up. He is short (5'3" tall, with leathery brown skin, a stringy moustache and bow legs. His head is shaved, save for a greasy black top-knot pointing straight up from the crown of his head

Not sure how much call there'll be for mounted combat, but can tweak if needs be.

Hi Mott!

Jon is still a work in progress but you mentioned that you might have to tweak backstories to make things work so I wanted to update with what I have now, just in case you have any tidbits you want me to consider before going to far.

I'm also concerned that you might think his blood relation to the King should be more distant, but I'm hoping the fact that he has been effectively sidelined from anything important keeps that from being an issue. But if you think it would be, let me know and I'll add some extra degrees of separation.

I didn't put any effort into crunch yet but he would probably be a standard issue paladin.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Some quick thoughts (before my girlfriend shows up for the evening):

Azran -- Interesting combination. Looking forward to see personality/back story.

Hrothgar -- Don't quite have time to read the block of text at the moment (see aforementioned girlfriend), but I would want you to change to druid, so as not to duplicate the cleric, if I pick you.

Limey -- I think there's certainly some call; one of the things that's nice about Kingmaker is a lot of it is outside.

Jon -- I don't think the close relationship should be an issue at all. I expect my main tweaking will be to get the chosen folks into position to join the campaign ASAP.

Archetypes 4d20 ⇒ (20, 5, 20, 9) = 54 Brutal Pugilist, Elemental Kin, Invulnerable Rager, Savage Barbarian

ArchetypesF 2d12 ⇒ (11, 5) = 16 *Brutal Pugilist, Invulnerable Rager

Urban ? (higher=yes)1d6 ⇒ 6

Gender: 2d8 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2 Female

End result: A female Aasimar barbarian(Urban + Brutal Pugilist).

I'll get to work on the character stats and backstory.

Looking at it, I think a level in monk(martial artist would help the unarmed combat / close combat bit)

So no need for a cleric, well Ijen can go back to her temple and wait for the next adventuring group. Here you may find something that is always useful in a group of adventurers.

Meet Ghanis Inahc. Wizard extraordinaire, wanderer of Golarian, Greater Adept of the Pathfinder Society, and conjurer of mysteries and the mystic. Having heard that Brevoy was seeking to reclaim the Stolen Lands. Ghanis set out from Absalom, a journey of some length in it's own right. However, at a tender, and young age of only 121, she finds that it is more than time for her to make her own way. It has been a long and dusty trip, and last week she finally found herself in Restov.

The opening of the Stolen Lands to exploration has provided Ghanis with an opportunity to look for some for elven ruins that are rumored to populate this land that was home to Elves many eons ago.

She has only been in town for a few days when she is called before the swordlords...

see profile for crunch.

Question: Can we assume lower purchase price for crafted items with starting gold?

How is HP handled?

Finished most of the character,
moving on to backstory and background.

Grand Lodge

Ok - this one is an Aldori Swordsman built at 15pts and I've chosen both traits but if you are to choose one and I am to choose one then I'll keep the Aldori Sword Scion

I'm in a number of PbP's and am a regular and consistent poster on all of them (my posting tempo tends to initially be greater as I get the feel of the game and then levels to that of the game itself).

Stats (15)


Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8


Perception +1
Fort:+3 ;Ref:+4 ;Will+1
Carrying Capacity 50 lbs. or less/51–100 lbs./101-150 lbs.

AC:=17 (10+3[Armour]+4[Dex])
Touch AC [14] Flat-Footed [13]
HP: 11/11 (10+Con)

BAB:+1; CMB:+2 (+1 trait bonus on all attacks and combat maneuvers); Init:+4
Speed:30 ft
Melee: Aldori Dueling Sword +6 (1D8+1) (19-20 x2, S)
Dagger +5 (1D4+1) (19-20 x2, S)
Other weapons yet to be bought

Weapon Proficiency: Aldori Sword Proficiency, Weapon Focus: Aldori Sword, Weapon Finesse

Aldori Sword Scion, Highlander (Stealth +1 as Class Skill)

The fighter’s class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Skills: 2+Race+Fav Class
Acrobatics 1 (+5) (-1 due to armour)
Climb 1 (+4) (-1 due to armour)
Stealth 1 (+9) (-1 due to armour)
Survival 1 (+5)



Total Gold - 50 / Remaining - 10gp, 1sp, 2cp

Armour - 25gp - 20lb
Studded Leather Armour

Weapons - 4gp - 5lb
Aldori Dueling Sword (Free)
Dagger (belt) - 2gp
Dagger (boot) - 2gp
Sling (in belt) -

Equipment - 10gp, 8sp, 4cp / 32.5
Clothing, Traveler's Outfit x2 (Free) 10lbs
Backpack 2gp - 2lb
Empty Sack 1sp - 0.5lb
Waterskin 1gp - 4lb
4 Wandermeals - 4cp - 2lb
5 days Trail Rations 2.5gp - 5lb
Kit, Shaving 15sp - 0.5lb
Flint and Steel 1gp -
Whetstone 2cp - 1lb
2 sewing needles (big and small) 1gp -
Whistle 8sp -
Cooking Kit 1gp - 2lb
Clay Tankard 2cp - 1lb
2 fishhooks 2sp -
Game, Cards (unmarked but superior quality) 1gp - 1lb
50ft string 1cp - 0.5lb
Winter Blanket 5sp - 3lb
Bedroll 1sp - 5lb

**Note if Camp is set his pack weight is reduced by 13lbs as leaves spare clothes, blanket and bedroll.

Notes on Consumables

***Appearance and Bearing***


Andrej is around 5'11 but cable lean. He is unshaven at the moment but his beard is cut close to his face. He moves quietly and with an economy of movement that is feline. He wears dark browns, greys and faded greens when it comes to his clothing.

He is quietly practical, and laconic. He favours gallows humour when he does speak to an equal. He speaks only as needed when working with someone of a higher station.


Humble Beginnings


Andrej was the son of a Guardsman in service to the Lords of House Garess, his mother died while he was young and his father, much involved in his job had little time for the boy. It was a stern life style and discipline was enforced. He learned to stay silent and out of the way at an early age.



His life changed at 10 when, on a whim, he was granted acceptance as a 'Sword Page' due to the sacrifice of his father, who had died to protect one of the the Garess Family during a attempt on their life during a 'Hunting Accident'. He was however always treated as less than the other students, and was made the target for training drills as well as the main source of manual labour for the instructor. Again, Andrej learned that speaking out served no benefit and that silence would keep him out of trouble as often as not.

Not as well fed as the other students he still developed a strength of his own, both mentally and physically. Being the target in untold sparring drills taught him speed and co-ordination.

When he was allowed out of the barracks it was invariably to accompany one of the students, the teacher or a member of the Garess family to hunt, the rationale being that if his Father had been of use, then he would be too. He learned field craft and perfected his skills at stealth in the rocky highlands.

He earned his name 'Catfoot' for his stealth but also for his landing unharmed after a few falls, including one where his fellow students pushed him out of a high window for a prank.

Into the Wilderness


While Andrej is considered a gifted 'Swordpage', his humble birth, measured against those of his peers has resulted in his own training being a secondary consideration to the other students and has taken longer than most to get to this point.

While Andrej is by nature a patient man, resigned to his lot in life - a training tool and bodyguard, one of the students, a loud mouthed overly proud youth, too confident in his own abilities caused a momentary lapse. The youth was of minor nobility and of a bullying nature which often fell on Andrej. After enduring 'careless' and painful 'accidental' hits in sparring practice, Andrej dealt the youth pair of very precise, very deliberate facial cuts.

These are considered normal for training or dueling for a young Aldori swordsman but to be dealt such by a 'no body' such as Andrej was more than the youth could endure and he bought considerable influence to play to 'punish' Andrej. After some consideration, his teacher and Lord Garess decided that, for the good of everyone, the best thing for it was to get Andrej far away from Brevoy. He was included on a charter with a group of fellow undesirables and sent on his way.

Now with a 25 pt build I can really do the Aldori justice.

Remove the Stealth trait - you pick that one.

At 25pts

Str 13
Dex 19
Con 14
Int 13
Wis 12
Cha 9

I'll level him up to 3rd if selected.

I present to you, Nagnug, fearsome female warrior of the kobold tribes.

Many years ago a foolish Sword Scion ventured too far into the Stolen Lands without adequate planning and a poor choice of companions. His resulting injuries left him alone and at the mercy of this young kobold, but rather than slay him and steal his gear, Nagnug nursed him back to health. Her reward for this act of kindness was anything in the Sword Scion's power to provide, little did he suspect the adventurous Kobold to ask that he train her in the arts of his Aldori Dueling Blade. Doubtful that she would stick with it, he agreed and was pleasantly surprised with the tenacity and skill his young protege displayed. When the Sword Scion returned home, Nagnug traveled with him and continued her training. Years later, with the art of the Aldori blade mastered, the kobold returned to her tribe, a talented warrior with a blade taller than herself.


Female Kobold Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3
LN Small Humanoid (Reptilian)
Init +4; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +2
AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 18. . (+6 armor, +4 Dex, +1 size, +1 natural)
hp 22 (3d10)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1
Defensive Abilities Agility
Weakness Light Sensitivity
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +8 (1d3+1/19-20/x2) and
. . Dueling Sword +10 (1d6+1/19-20/x2) and
* . Masterwork Cold Iron Sword, Aldori Dueling +11 (1d6+1/19-20/x2) and
. . Silver Mace, Light +8 (1d4+1/20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +8 (1d2+1/20/x2)
Ranged Crossbow, Light +8 (1d6/19-20/x2)
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 18
Feats Blind-Fight, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Sword, Aldori Dueling, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus: Sword, Aldori Dueling
Traits Sword Scion
Skills Acrobatics +2, Climb +3, Escape Artist +2, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (Engineering) +5, Perception +2, Ride +6, Stealth +12, Survival +4, Swim +3
Languages Common, Draconic
SQ Armor Training 1 (Ex), Smoked Goggles
Combat Gear Bolts, Crossbow (20), Crossbow, Light, Dagger, Dueling Sword, Masterwork Agile Breastplate, Masterwork Cold Iron Sword, Aldori Dueling, Silver Mace, Light;
Other Gear Acid Flask, Crowbar, Grappling hook, Handy Haversack (7 @ 23.5 lbs), Marbles, Rope, hempen (50 ft.), Smoked Goggles
Agility +1 (Ex) +1 save vs. Paralyzation, slowing, or entangling
Armor Training 1 (Ex) Worn armor -1 check penalty, +1 max DEX.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Light Sensitivity (Ex) Dazzled as long as they remain in bright light.
Smoked Goggles +8 save vs. visual effects, -4 sight-based Perception and you treat all opponents as having 20% concealment.
Sword Scion +1 to hit and CMB with longswords and Aldori Dueling Swords.

Definitely interested, I'll have something up in a few hours hopefully.

Okay, Kereek is now the proud owner of an alias! Kobold rights!

Jon is finalized now. I just got another character accepted into a Kingmaker so if there is a tie let it go to the other. However, I think Jon would be incrediably fun to role play so I can't completely bow out.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

OK, thanks, Jon.

There've already been enough good applications to make it hard to pick, so I'm going to cut off recruitment at the end of the day (midnight EST). Again, not as worried about crunch if you still want to get something in, more about overall character concept/background/personality.

Azure, you can either take average HP at each level or roll for it. If the latter, you'll be able to reroll 1s.

I assume first level is full HP?

Any of the current players interested in a shared background? I am open to working in some history with anyone. I find it better than the "meet in and inn, and you look trustworthy, join us" approach.

just doing him now he should be a cool lay out, back story I hope you like

Ghanis Inahc wrote:
Any of the current players interested in a shared background? I am open to working in some history with anyone. I find it better than the "meet in and inn, and you look trustworthy, join us" approach.

I know I'm just a recruit and that it would be better for a current player but I'd be more than happy to share a background with anyone who is interested. Feel free to piggy back and make yourself a childhood friend or mentor if you could see yourself fitting into Jon's background. Once you have something down I would tweak Jon's background to include you as well. Even if only one of us got picked, it would provide some additional substance to our backgrounds if nothing else.

Alrighty! I would humbly like to submit Prazil, the hapless, yet enthusiastic adventurer for consideration.

I barely got into any of the hard mechanics, but his personality, backstory, and some ideas for a shared history with some other applicants are included in his profile.

I hope you like him and good luck to everyone!

A tall, dark haired elven enchantress pushes through the tavern doors. Her ebon hair highlighted by a wide streak of fiery red. Her dusty trails clothes sport wear patterns suggesting she just rode in from a long journey. The clothes are well made with a stylized coloration scheme of browns and tans. Colors that would blend well into the plains south and west of Restov. Her breast sports a broach of a golden scorpion.

"Barkeep, a mug of your finest mead and a glass of water. Ice, if you have it." Nodding thanks to the barkeep, she picks up the mug and takes a long draught of the mead. Swiping her hand across her lips, she sets the mug down and gives the other patrons a cursory glance.

Until her eyes light on one fellow sitting at a table in back. "well i'll be a frog's kiss. Is that, can't be..."

Grabbing her mug of mead, the glass fo water floating dutifully beside her, she approaches, "excuse me, but are you any relation to Edgard Surtova?"

I finished Bridgette Etna Asta Valerius

I might add or change a piece of equipment.

I compiled a list of applicants;
Sorry, If I missed you

Bridgette Etna Asta Valerius
Singiz Uuluamatur
Justine Arodel

Ghanis Inahc wrote:

A tall, dark haired elven enchantress pushes through the tavern doors. Her ebon hair highlighted by a wide streak of fiery red. Her dusty trails clothes sport wear patterns suggesting she just rode in from a long journey. The clothes are well made with a stylized coloration scheme of browns and tans. Colors that would blend well into the plains south and west of Restov. Her breast sports a broach of a golden scorpion.

"Barkeep, a mug of your finest mead and a glass of water. Ice, if you have it." Nodding thanks to the barkeep, she picks up the mug and takes a long draught of the mead. Swiping her hand across her lips, she sets the mug down and gives the other patrons a cursory glance.

Until her eyes light on one fellow sitting at a table in back. "well i'll be a frog's kiss. Is that, can't be..."

Grabbing her mug of mead, the glass fo water floating dutifully beside her, she approaches, "excuse me, but are you any relation to Edgard Surtova?"

You speak of my father. He died before I ever got a chance to know him but I'm told I'm twice as handsome." Jon replies with a smile. "And who might you be, beautiful?"

Taken back by this news, she berates herself for forgetting that humans have such short lives. "My condolences on your loss. Your father and I, well, we used to play together as children."

Extending one hand, palm down, "I am Ghanis, Ghanis Inahc. Wizard extraordinaire, charmer of charmers, and conjurer of the mystic. Most recently of Absalom, though I grew up in Brevoy." a slight curtsy follows this introduction as she looks patiently upon the young man before her, "what brings you to this environ, son of Edgard?"

Like your RP tavern to get a character's RP going,
but some of us don't want the alias to be permanently added with a post.
as some of us have a lot of aliases.

I compiled a list of applicants;
Sorry, If I missed you

Bridgette Etna Asta Valerius -> Aasimar Barbarian(Urban + Brutal Pugilist) 2, Monk(Martial Artist) 1
Prazil -> Kobold Cavalier
Ghanis Inahc -> Elf Wizard
Jon Surtova -> Human Paladin
Azran Ell -> Elf Monk / Summoner (Synthesist)
Kereek -> Kobold Sorcerer (draconic: red)
Nagnug -> Kobold Fighter (Mobile Fighter)
??? -> ???? Fighter
Singiz Uuluamatur -> Human (Tian-La) Fighter 2/Rogue 1
HrothgarTheOneEyed -> Half Orc Cleric
Bandon -> Human Fighter
Justine Arodel -> dual-cursed battle oracle

Right, HP still needed
(assume first is the full die)
1d12 ⇒ 8
1d8 ⇒ 8

6 hours til closing time.

Understandable, I personally don't have an issue with having a character make repeated applications and adjusting the profile until they are in a game.

1d6 ⇒ 6
1d6 ⇒ 1

And this finishes off my character, she has some gold available, but otherwise ready.


I do so hope you like him , I think he will be a lot of fun.

The Profile core is done just rechecking
basics (may change)

Back story

The city was old, that called it Caliphas and they said you could find just about any thing there if you look hard. The Night a small bundle was left out the small Monastery to the Green way, set up they said by a reach Elvin merchant some 200 years before. Some on that night was looking to lose some thing not find it. When the Abbot of the Monastery
was presented with the bundle by the young farther who found it, he know at once why it had been left with them. And elf Child look back up at him from the rags. An elf here, he wondered, their where so few in the city. But like other foundlings left to them, this one must be looked after and raised in the way of the green. "we shall call you Azran Ell after our founder, in this time of war let us hope it brings you luck little one"
So it was the brothers gained and elf.

yeas passed and the Azran grow, he was yet a child when the old Abbot passed away, and his successor by the time the thread to hold that title come into his robes Azran was just gaining adult hood. Azran was a weak and stickily child, His birth must have been hard they said, for he was weak and small for an elf. But for what Azran ha lost in form he gained in action, Quick witted and clever he would spend hours in the small Library the Monks kept. After each day of training he would head back to the place of books and read to leaned all he could.

His life was not a happy one, the g young monks would jock about is body and its weakness, his lack of dexterity when training, the as time passed, young human Monks became old ones and the distrust of his race could be seen even here. But then he found the book, the book that showed him the way to talk to another, some thing from outside.

The day he got the Ritual right was his last say in the Monastery, what smash its way out of his monks cell horrified the other monks as it went out into the training yard and ripped apart the target, the kick wall and the Balance polls, The new Abbot came out

"what have you done? Azran what have you done?"
Then in a voice so deep it throbbed in the chest of all looking one
"I have found my Strenght Brother I have found my way"

They sat at the dinner tabla, they had talked for hours
"we just do not know what to do with you Azran, you say you have found a new way the way of the summoner of the green and you wish to lean more and one day found an order to that name?" for a Novice monk to say such things is little more that astonishing, but we can not stop you, we wish you the best of luck" and with that Azran left.

He walks alone not, a few books and some thing to eat keep him safe, that and his other A thing not of this world linked to him for ever.
When he has found what he needs he will stop and start a Monastery of his own, untill then who knows.



Stats A=Eidolon
Str [ 10/14A ] Base 10
Dex [ 13/14A ] Base 13 (+1 1 points +2 racial)
Con [ 10/13A ] Base 10 (+2 2 points -2 racial)
Int [ 16 ] Base 14 (+4 5 points +2 racial)
Wis [ 16 ] Base 18 (+6 10 points)
Cha [ 15 ] Base 15 (+5 7 points)
Spend 25 points
Fort = [ +2/+4A ] base
REF = [ +3/+1A ] base
Will = [ +8/+8A ] base

HP +18 Eidolon - Lifelink (if down to 0)
HP +22 (1HP/not skill point per-Level)
AC 16 = 10 +1Dex +3Monk +1feat AC (0Natural) +1braces
AC 23 = 10 +6 NA +2Dex +3Monk +1feat +1braces

Touch AC 15/15tuch (14 FI AC) FF-AC10FI
ATouch AC 12 (13) FF-AC10FI
CMB +1 / +2
CMD 16 / 14FI (15)
Initi + 1/+2a speed 30f walk
BAB= +1/+2A
Ranged +2/+4A
Melee +1/+4A

Weapon Focus [General] [Claw - natural weapon]
Choose one type of weapon. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple (or ray, if you are a spellcaster) as your weapon for purposes of this feat.

Proficiency with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1.

You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon.

Feral Combat Training (Combat)[Claw - natural weapon]
You were taught a style of martial arts that relies on the natural weapons from your racial ability or class feature.

Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus with selected natural weapon.

Benefit: Choose one of your natural weapons. While using the selected natural weapon, you can apply the effects of feats that have Improved Unarmed Strike as a prerequisite, as well as effects that augment an unarmed strike.

Special: If you are a monk, you can use the selected natural weapon with your flurry of blows class feature.

Monk Feat -
Dodge [General]
Dex 13.

During your action, you designate an opponent and receive a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks from that opponent. You can select a new opponent on any action.

A condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most other types of bonuses.


Magical Knack (P 1/day)
One other yet to be given

< = Class Skills
Base Skills
17 Spend

+7/+6a Acrobatics(+2dex, 3rank)
+3 Appraise(+3int, 1rank)<
+6 Bluff(+2cha, 1rank)
+4/+7 Climb(+0str, 0rank, Gloves)
+* Craft(+3int, 0rank)<
+2 Diplomacy(+2cha, 0rank)<
+3 Disguise(+3cha, 0rank)
+1 Escape Artist(+1dex, 0rank)
+1 Fly (+1Dex 0rank)<
+2 Handle Animal (+2Cha 0rank)<
+2 Heal (+2Wis 0rank)
+8 Intimidate(+2cha, 3rank)
+3 Knowledge (ALL)(+3Int 0rank)<
+7 Knowledge (Religion)(+3Int 1rank)<
+3 Linguistics(+3int 0rank) <
+10 Perception(+3wis, 2rank)
+3 Profession(ALL)(+3wis, 0rank)<
+1 Ride (+1Dex 0rank)<
+7 Sense Motive(+3wis, 1rank)<
- Sleight of Hand(+1dex, 0rank)
+7 Spellcraft(+3int, 1rank)<
+5 Stealth (+1dex 1rank)
+4 Survivel (+3wis 1rank)
+2 Stealth(1dex, 0rank)
+1 Swim (+1Str 1rank)
+6 Use Magic Device(+3cha, 1rank) <

synthesist Eidolon Level 2



Descriptor -
Biped Eidolon - An Ethereal looking large Black and sliver Tiger Covered in magical armor Plating.
Starting Statistics: Size Large;
Hight 12 feet high, weight 2 tons
Speed 30 ft.;

Ability Scores
Str 16, (mod+3)
Dex 12, (mod+1)
Con 13, (mod+1)
Int 16 (mod+3)(Azran)
Wis 16 (mod+3)(Azran)
Cha 15 (mod+2)(Azran)

Fort (+5),
Ref (+1),
Will (+8);
AC 22 = 10 +6 NA +1Dex +3Monk +1feat +1braces
HD-D10 10+6+2 = 18

Attacks BAB+2 3x Attacks Round
Bite AB+5(1D8+5)(Magic Attack)
Attack clawsx2 AB+5 (1d6+3) (Magical attacks)

Free Evolutions
limbs (arms),
limbs (legs).

5 Points in Evolutions

1point Evolution Improved natural armor +2
1point Evolution Improved natural attack Damage Claw 1d6 to 1d8
1point Evolution Reach (Claws +5' Reach)
1point Evolution Bite (Ex)
1point Evolution Magic Attacks (Su)*

*An eidolon is infused with magic, allowing it to treat all of its natural attacks as if they were magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. If the summoner is 10th level or higher, all of the eidolon’s weapons are treated as the alignment of the eidolon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Source: Advanced Player's Guide

Special Abilitys:

a*share spells
a*multi attack x3 (natural)
a*Magic Attacks (natural)
Low-Light Vision:
Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.


Class Skills

The monk’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), and Swim (Str).

Bonus feat,
flurry of blows, –1/–1
stunning fist,
unarmed strike 1d6
Add Wis mod to AC (when no armor) +3

Spell List
0-Level Summoner Spells (Cantrips)

Acid Splase - Orb deals 1d3 acid damage.
Mage Hand - 5-pound telekinesis.
Resistance - Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Read Magic - Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Detect Magic 60'

1st-Level Summoner Spells
Mage Armor - Gives subject +4 armor bonus. CRB
Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser - Eidolon cured 1d10 damage +1/level (max +5)

Explorer's outfit 10gp
Large Composite Longbow
Quiver 2gp

Ammunition (Bow):
Smoke x 5 50gp
Splintercloud x 2 50gp
Cold Iron 60 arrows 12gp
10 whistling arrows 5gp

sub-total =

Armbands of Armor + 1000gp

mwk. Backpack 25gp
Bedroll 1sp
Blanket 5sp
A Tent small 10gp
Food and drink 5days 5gp
Flint and steel with tinder. 2cp
Chalk Chunk 1cp
Healers kit 50gp
Antitoxin 50gp
Mirror and steel 10gp
Smokestick 20gp
Signal whistle 8sp
Hartstone 20gp
Ear plugs 3cp
Compass 5gp
coffe beans and grander 2gp
lite cooking kit 5gp
Scroll/map case 10gp
Small note book + Silver point pen 5gp

Wand of Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser 750gp
Scrolls of Enlarge Person x2 50gp
Scrolls of Invisibility x2 50gp
Scrolls of cure light wounds x2 50gp
Scrolls of Shield x 2 50gp
Scrolls of Mage Armor x 2 50gp
Scrolls of Unseen Servant x2 50gp
Scrolls of Endure Elements x 2 50gp

sub-total= 1100gp

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