Occultist - What is on my spell list?

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

The Occultist is only allowed to learn certain Occultist spells, limited to those spells of each school he has learned as an implement schools. Are Occultist spells of the schools I have not taken as my implement still considered on my spell list, for purposes like scrolls, wands, or page of spell knowledge?

For example, if I choose the Conjuration and Evocation schools at level 1, is Detect Magic (Divination) still considered on my spell list, even if I can't learn it based on my current implement schools?

Silver Crusade Contributor

It is not, I'm afraid. From page 47:

Occult Adventures wrote:
No spells from any other school are considered to be on the occultist's spell list until he selects the associated implement school.

Hope this helps. ^_^

Sovereign Court

Ah thank you, I was wondering why it wasn't mentioned in the book... apparently it was!

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