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I'd like to request that Perception be listed as something to this effect:
Perception (sight-based)
Perception (smell-based)
Perception (sound-based)
Perception (taste-based)
Perception (touch-based)
I hate the idea that if I play anything but a human, I'd have to have asterix or notes in the margin to remind me which perception checks I have bonuses on.
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While we're talking about character sheets, there are 2 typos I noticed thus far. Spellcraft and Swim have DEX as their Ability.
A request for a difference between untrained and trained usable on the sheet would be nice also. Even if it's just an asterisk.
Could we also get a Separate Spellbook/Spells Known page?
Oh one other thing that's missing is a Class line, I just added it to Character level for now.
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![Erik Mona](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/private/Plot-idol.jpg)
Please keep comments/criticisms of the character sheet coming.
The truth of the matter is that, while it is relatively easy to create the world's awesomest character sheet in a Word file or in Excel or something, it's VERY difficult and VERY time consuming to try to make one look cool and visually helpful.
We will be giving the character sheet a once-over between the Alpha and the final version, and any and all helpful comments will be considered.
Whenever you finish one of these things you invariably spell something wrong or leave something off or have a cool idea for something the day after it goes to the printer.
With all of you guys looking at this thing, using it, and posting comments we have a really good shot and making a near-perfect character sheet.
So keep the comments coming!
apotheon |
The "Character Level" line should probably be labeled "Character Class/Level", just so people don't worry too much about where to list the class.
I second the motion, with regard to moving spells to a separate page. There simply isn't room to list both spells and gear on the page and have enough room to cover all the common cases of each. As the character sheet design currently stands, there isn't enough room in either the gear section or the spells section.
Some blank skill lines would be really handy.
I also second the motion for a "can be used untrained" notation in the skill list.
Ditto for a true black-and-white version, since I'm printing my character sheets from a black and white laser printer (though this isn't really a huge problem, and I could easily live with the logo being grayscale).
I like the arrangement and space usage of basically everything except the spells and gear, though. I always thought that the money box on the 3.5 PHB's character sheet was a huge waste of horizontal space, for instance.
I actually think the spells section on the Pathfinder sheet is better than that on the PHB sheet, too. Out of the whole sheet, I think everything's improved except the fact the logo comes out grayscale on my black and white printer, there are no blank lines in skills, skills that can be used untrained aren't marked, and the gear section is smaller -- but the gear and spells sections on both of them are effectively unusable for me anyway. With either sheet, I'd use a separate page of graph paper to keep track of gear and spells.
Since many classes have no spells, I really think the best way to handle it is to offload spells to a separate page, and expand the gear section.
David Jackson 60 |
![Nolzur's Orb](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Nolzurs-Orb.jpg)
For a SPELL section of the sheet.
I would love this per character class as an add-in.
I would also love it if that spell sheet has a corrisponding Page number next to it to reference your new book. PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP put a page reference number and ample blank-slots for new spells.
That's all I got. :P
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The spells section has the same flaw as the 3.5 phb character sheet. Too small for your spells, but takes up too much space.
I'd like to see you take spells off the character sheet entirely and do an extra page for each class (one with rage options, one with favoured enemies/terrains and animal companion, etc etc).
As it is i'm sticking with some of the ace community-created alpha2 sheets for now - you should give the better creations a good look.
Weylin Stormcrowe 798 |
I found the area for School/Bloodline/Domain abilities to be a little cramped myself.
For weapon entries, I'd like to see spaces for hardness and hitpoints for each. I also think the critical area needs expansion.
Agree that the "Character Level" line should be changed to "Character Class/Level".
Also would like to see a space for Rage/Ki/Whatever Pool.
Base Attack Bonus could use some more room for iterative attacks.
-Weylin Stormcrowe
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![Copper Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/CopperDragon.jpg)
(something my 8yo twins can't do)
Xaaon, I know this is the wrong thread, but your comment prompted me to create a separate thread for discussion of teaching RPGs to younger children. I have 6yo twin daughters and would like to introduce them to RPGs. I could definitely use help/ideas on getting them started. Thanks!
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![Mathus Mordrinacht](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9045_Mathus.jpg)
I agree with the idea of a place for the individual Senses. I would suggest not putting the individual senses in the skill section but instead do something like what you did with speed, a separate section with each sense and its total bonus, not all the little parts that add up to it. Also I would like to compliment the speed block, it’s really nice to have a space to list your alternate move speeds.
Next I would suggest some blank lines at the bottom of the skill section for additional Crafts, Performs, Professions, and skills you may add in later supplements.
All in all, a good start.
P.S. I think the sheet looks fine in Grayscale, though perhaps a version of the character sheet available online with a Black and White version of the logo, the only color part to the sheet, would be appreciated by others.
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![Bahor (Glorio Arkona)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A10-Glorio-Arkona.jpg)
It looks great over all!!!
But needs the perception broke down, as said before. I would like it in the skills section.
As mentioned make several 3rd page but make it optional, Spells,Rage abilities and stats for that and so on.
Keep the main 2 pages what all use mostly, lose the spell section to more gear and special equipment or seprate into Pouches, back pack, special bags and so on.
Just an Idea ,,,
AkA SagaWeaver
Majuba |
Generally - nice sheet!
Don't Remove the Spell Section! -- As much as I agree that it is nearly unusable (so small), don't remove it! Instead reduce the number of spell levels listed to about 3rd level and increase the spacing. This will be far more useable.
I like the idea of 3rd (or 3rd and 4th) pages for each class, or each type (combat, spellcaster, etc.). This keeps the single sheet identical for everyone (which *greatly* aids the less.. intense.. players, who don't master every sheet they come across).
I'd suggest "Class/Level" or "Class(es)/Level(s)" in place of Character Level. "Character Class Level" is slightly redundant and slightly confusing.