Always available items...???

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I am part of PFS and I don't have the slightest idea where i can spend my gold or Prestige. I downloaded the pdf guidelines. where on this site is the Always available items?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Read the Campaign Guide AND the additional resources document.. it'll tell you what you need to know.

Scarab Sages

There is no list on this site. however, all the items can be found in the PRD. But as said it the PDF:

All basic armor, gear, items, and weapons from chapter 6 of the Core Rulebook Including the special materials Alchemical Silver and cold Iron as described on page 154 of the core rulebook. Any mundane (non-magical) Weapons, Armor, Equipment and alchemical gear found in any other legal source (see the additional resources to see if something is legal) are also always available.
+1 Weapons
+1 Armor
+1 Sheilds
Potions and oils of 0 or 1st level spells (at caster level 1)
Scrolls and oils of 0 or 1st level spells (at caster level 1)
And a Wayfinder for the cost of 250gp as appears on page 27 of the PDF guidelines

Those are the things that are always available. There is no comprehensive list of which items qualify, you need to make use of additional resources to see whats legal, and use the guidelines to gauge if its always availible or not. Generally, if its not magical and its legal, its always availible.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Additional Resources is done by book and chapter.

Look for the mechanics you want to use and see if it is specifically on the ADR allowed list. If it's not, then you can't buy it. If it is, it can be purchased if your Fame score allows it.

thank you all.

Check The Archives of Nethys. It generally lists what is PFS legal, and their search even has that as a filter.


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