Sandpoint is going to He** and Tarlin is driving the Sucubus

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

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Just got to the Midpoint of Rise of the Runelords using Arueshalae(Redeemed), Tarlin, and Zarlova. I noticed that a few people had asked if she was viable and workable for sets other then Wrath, so I thought I'd share some notes(Cards, powers, feats....have been posted in the appropriate thread if you're curious).

Arueshalae worked great in Runelords as a character, but for good measure I added in the Ranger deck for her to get more Bows and Dex options(With Archer's Bracers she's getting avg. +9 to Ranged Combat).
I didn't find her owner items the Swallowtail Bracers or Spherewalker staff to be of immediate use, though the staff did come in handy later on for locations like Shrine to Lamashtu and The Dam. Also her power to reduce elemental damage still hasn't been needed but it should come in handy towards the end of the set.

Her cohort, Arueshalae's Gift, however proved to be very useful. From the very beginning I've used it exclusively to up Zarlova's Wisdom check for the entire duration of each game. At one point with skill and power upgrades, Zar was rolling an 8 minimum with gift+1, meaning that she could auto acquire most Divine spells,(and then check the top or bottom of her deck for a spell or blessing)and also auto recharge most Divine spells(which if they are Attack go right to the top of her deck :}). It's cheating a bit I suppose , but all's fair when you travel with a Succubus right?

Once I'm done with Runelords I plan to run Arueshalae through S&S(in the Fallen Role)because the only thing better than a Succubus is a Succubus with HUGE......Firearms, of course ;). In this run I'm thinking of adding in the Rogue deck to also give her access to poison's and other dirty tricks(If you're gonna Fall might as well do it right, huh?).

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